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22We need all these techniques to keep ahead of the thieves. Stealing keys to gain access to a vehicle is a concern which insurers and manufacturers are increasingly aware of.NUISANCE VEHICLES AND ACOUSTIC CAMERASKensington and Chelsea have installed Acoustic cameras around the Borough since 2020 so as to allow better monitoring and surveillance by the Police of those whose driving habits create a nuisance to the local community and enforce penalties.In order for this measure to take place a Public Space Protection If you need to contact a Ward team for Knightsbridge and BelgraviaPC Aadil Baqar;;; Zack.Slaney@met.police.ukIf you need to contact a Ward team for Brompton and Hans Town PC Ben Tivey (M. 07825966793); PC Chris Meade-King; PC Step Mustard; PCSP Charlotte KingEmail: www.actionfraud.police.ukOrder (PSPO) is required renewable every three years. Since 2020 and up to the date of writing, there have been 1,615 recorded breaches of the PSPO by nuisance vehicles with 577 fixed penalty notices being issued for nuisance vehicle offences.The extent of the offences covered by the PSPO are:%u2022 Revving of engine(s) (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Sudden and/or rapid acceleration (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Repeated sudden and/or rapid acceleration (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Racing by two or more vehicles%u2022 Performing stunts (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Sounding horns (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Playing music from a vehicle (as to cause a public nuisance)%u2022 Using threatening, intimidating behaviour towards another person%u2022 Causing obstruction on a public highway, whether moving or stationary, including driving in convoy.The current PSPO prohibits these activities between the hours of 12pm and 6am.As members of the Knightsbridge Association, you will have received at the end of last year a request for you to positively respond to the latest consultation which asked for your support for the renewal of the PSPO to address antisocial driving to allow this work to continue over the whole Borough. We hope that by the time of reading this report the consultation has proved sufficiently positive for the renewal of the PSPO to allow the current prohibitions to remain in place.Investigating a traffic incient in Brompton RoadOn the beat in Brompton RoadOn patrol in Ennismore Mews