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                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 235S1010.9.2 Top Tips for a practitioner working with Ethan(Slide 309)%u2022 What is the most useful thing you have learnt from this course about Communication Friendly Settings which would help Ethan?%u2022 Explain that it is appreciated that this would be easier in their own setting because they might either know the child or could arrange a time to observe him but this is for reflection purposes and to encourage learners to think about all that they have learnt while attending this course.%u2022 Ask each group to write down 3 Top Tips = 3 of the most useful things they have learnt from attending this course that they would share with this practitioner.%u2022 Share these with the whole group.10.9.3 Top Tips for Ethan%u2019s parents(Slide 310)%u2022 Ask each group to write down 2 x Top Tips that they would share with Ethan%u2019s parents.%u2022 Share these with the group.
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