Page 238 - Demo
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Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 236S1010.10.0 MONITORING CHILDREN%u2019S PROGRESS(Slide 311)%u2022 During the course many checklists of typical development have been explored.%u2022 It is hoped that these can be used to give a bit more detail to other monitoring tools/information learners get about the development of speech, language and communication.%u2022 Remind learners how essential it is to use something to monitor the progress of children, because this is only way to identify those who are at risk of or who have SLCN.%u2022 It is hoped that the course has also helped learners to develop their skills and strategies to support all children with their SLC but particularly those with SLCN.10.11.0 COMPLETION AND VERIFICATION OF LEARNING LOGS(Slide 312)%u2022 Please remind learners re: Learning Log completion. See the slide.%u2022 If individual learners want an extension, they should discuss this with you. Please use the %u2018Late Learner Agreement%u2019 that is on the website so that any extension date is in writing.%u2022 A number of Learning Logs will be internally verified and possibly externally verified.%u2022 Please ask learners to wait 3 months for the verification process and issuing of certificates.