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                                    %u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023Speech andLanguage Support for 3-5s10.2.0-10.6.0 Information about StammeringStammering means the same as stuttering. The term stammer is used more in the UK whereas stutter is used more in the USA.Causes%u2022 Stammering is caused by subtle neurological differences, not by nervousness, lack of confidence or lack of intelligence, these are just myths.%u2022 There are differences in the anatomy and physiology (the structure and function) of the brain.%u2022 Genetic factors are involved. There have been genes that have been identified on a number of chromosomes.%u2022 30-60 % of people who stammer will also have a family history of stammering.%u2022 Stammering can be variable. Some days someone will stammer more and some days they will stammer less, it can vary from situation to situation and from person to person.%u2022 Stammering is how some people talk.What is stammering?%u2022 People who stammer might feel:o Stuck and unable to move forward in their talkingo A loss of control%u2022 To others, stammering can sound like:o Repeating words e.g. %u201cbut-but-but-but%u201do Repeating initial sounds e.g. %u201cd-d-d-did%u201do Repeating parts of words e.g. %u201ccom-com-com-computer%u201do Stretching sounds (Prolongations) e.g. %u201cs%u2014-leep%u201do Blocking - the sounds get stuck/ no sound comes outExtra BehavioursThese are extra things a child may do when they stammer e.g. holding their breath, gasping or running out of breath, showing tension in their face or body, shutting their eyes or moving parts of their body such as their head or leg. This usually occurs when they are trying to do something about the stammer, trying to push through or force a word. It can show a level of awareness of the stammer. Awareness of stammeringAll children will react differently to their stammer, some can be completely unaware that they stammer. Others can be aware and not bothered or aware and experience frustration and upset. Younger children generally tend not to be aware, but this is not always the case and even very young children can be aware.
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