Page 44 - Demo
P. 44
Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 42S33.1.0 ATTENTION AND LISTENING INTRODUCTION3.1.1 Bake a cake exercise(Slide 45)%u2022 Play an audio recording of you reading a chocolate cake recipe.%u2022 At the same time read the following using similar intonation, pace etc. as the recipe, but without focusing the learners as to which they should be listening to:%u2018The Smith family went to Maidenhead for a boating trip up the Thames. The train left Paddington at 10.45 with 20 passengers on board. When it arrived at Slough, 6 passengers got off and 4 school children got on. At Taplow, another 2 people got on. Eventually it arrived at Maidenhead at 11.30. How many people were on board the train?%u20193.1.2 Why was the exercise so difficult?%u2022 You didn%u2019t know what you were supposed to listen to.3.1.3 How would this make you feel?%u2022%u0009 Switch off%u2022%u0009 Give up%u2022%u0009 Frustrated%u2022%u0009 Only heard bits of each%u2022%u0009 Stressful%u2022%u0009 Anxious3.1.4 This is how children with poor attention and listening skills can feel%u2022 It really isn%u2019t surprising that some of them just switch off!%u2022 Pre-school settings can be busy and noisy places.%u2022 We need to consider the impact the environment has on children%u2019s ability to listen and concentrate.%u2022 Attention is a skill we have to learn. It is really important because it is a foundation skill for language and learning.