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Principle of growth met prior to Trust Growth.
Specialist centralised support has the capacity to impact across all educational sections.
Trust capacity within the Central Support Team sup- ports civic partnerships and LA responsibilities.
Foundations of education progression to be embed- ded and extended.
School Improvement Team to have capacity for growth through skill set and breadth prior to further growth.
Growth is reliant on financial stability and effective investment.
Growth is reliant on effective Governance.
The Trust to further establish and enhance:
i. Specialist working hubs (secondary, prima-
ry, alternative education)
ii. Specialist hubs within educational sectors iii. Regional hubs
Annual external evaluations of the Trusts capacity and capability for growth.
External and internal annual Trust evaluations are undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the Central Services Team.
External and internal evaluation on school are system- atic and compliant.
Trust sets and achieves financial targets based on achieving sustainability and maintaining best practice.
Trust Board and executive undertake due diligence prior to evaluation of growth versus principles.
School Improvement and Support Teams are educational and sector specialists.
Recruitment of high quality leaders within the Trust.
Capacity to support the required SEND and alternative provision.
Research collaboration to lead other schools and assist access to educational research.
Trust to ensure specialist teams which: i. Support pupil safety
ii. Demonstrate investment in resources and funding
iii. Support leadership development
iv. Ensure technological safety and learning access
Model of school improvement ensure leaders are mentored and challenged.
Trust has capacity to undertake ‘Trust Partnerships’ and additional requested school support.
National benchmarks, internal auditors and DfE best practice aspects fully compliant.
Annual governance review on capacity to grow. Trust committees established to reflect the regulations of a large Trust.
The effective models are maintained during growth and are fit for purpose:
i. Leadership of School Improvement developed ii. Leadership communication networks
iii. Specialist sector school improvement partners
and coordinators
iv. Scalable leadership with capacity for specialist
leaders within hubs
The external, independent review will evaluate school improvement, school support, finance and governance. The review will be a growth capacity review.
The Trust Board will consider the findings and evaluate actions and recommendations.
Headteacher evaluations and independent evaluation of evaluative, development and support impact of the Central Services Team in individual schools.
School evaluated on:
i. Four area of Ofsted schedule
ii. Data outcomes analysis
iii.Wellbeing and national progress benchmarks iv.School evaluate agreed ‘ALP Expectations’
Trust wide objectives assessed by Governance and
DfE on:
i. financial reserves
ii. investment and procurement
iii.School effectiveness in curriculum efficiency
ICFP. (DfE 12 key benchmarks)

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