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P. 106
A Rare Mother-in-law
hat can one say about we are mere mortals with emo-
Wa mother-in-law (MIL) tions that seem to ebb and flow
like no other? I met her first at like the mighty waves. I have of-
my wedding reception where her ten wondered how she brought
calmness and sweetness seemed a up eight children, a daunting
total antithesis of the image one task in today’s times. One would
has of a MIL. Ammachy has treat- need the patience of Job and the
ed her daughters-in-law with the strength of a Hercules to do that!
same sensitivity and firmness that Ammachy’s calmness matched
she treated her lone daughter and Ichacha’s (her husband’s) liveli-
that was an eye-opener. ness and temper. They were the
Over the years, we have all Ying and Yang, the Ebony and
tried to imbibe her sweetness, Ivory who “lived together in per-
serenity and saintliness, but then, fect harmony” and the children