Page 107 - Full book_Neat
P. 107
looked to her for guidance and to come together, be it from the
protection, which she gave whole- US, Dubai or Australia.
heartedly. I have never seen her Her children call her regularly
ruffled or angry, and yet, the firm- and laugh merrily at her inno-
ness with which she said things cence and guilelessness. For her,
would brook no interference or Coronavirus is an unwelcome dog
opposition. which has entered the house. She
She has a sweet tooth and loves insists all the doors be shut firmly
eating chocolates after a meal. against this “invader”. She is right
Her childlike glee in watching in a way. Corona has upended all
her great grandkids is infectious our lives like an invader.
and touching. She was also a Her innocence has had numer-
wonderful cook and her food ous maids also fall for her charm
was lip-smacking. She has trav- and many have been blessed to
elled the world with her children have her in their presence. She
abroad and seen good times. She is free with her blessings and has
has been fortunate to see even even prayed for perfect strangers
great grandchildren, all of whom whom she has not met. Another
bask under her sunshine person- facet of Ammachy is her gener-
ality and smile. osity. She gives what she has to
Even at the ripe age of 102, give irrespective of the nature of
she doesn’t need too much help the receiver. That is another trait
to move around. Unlike others of worth emulating.
her age who are infirm and can- We all wish her a blessed and
tankerous, she is always pleasant healthy life. May she continue to
and has no complaints. That is a shower her spirituality and bless-
lesson for all of us. Her god-fear- ings to all.
ing nature has been a balm to Shobha
W/o Joymon,
many and her 100th birthday Pathanamthitta, Thuruthyil Family,
was a time for the entire family Delhi