Page 111 - Full book_Neat
P. 111
er than an answer, her reply is her “njory”. A confession, indeed!
always a counter question. Am- When I had an accident and
maachy’s humour and ability to was admitted to Trivandrum
give tit for tat replies are not much Medical College, she would sit
in evidence to those outside the by my hospital bed crying at
midnight, but
would act nor-
mal during the
day so that it
wouldn’t upset
me. Later I real-
ized how much
pain she was
withholding. I
was too young
to understand
my loss at that
family, but it is something we all time. Later, she helped me to cope
enjoy. with the challenges of life, one of
If I were to recollect all my the many lessons I learned from
childhood memories with Am- her. Even at the age of 103, her
maachy, that itself would fill many philosophies are admirable.
pages. I used to sleep between What can my “idol”, my “guru”,
Ichacha and Ammaachy till the my motivator expect from this life
age of six. I never realized that except selfless, sincere love from
time that I am a black ant in heav- this son. I am trying my best to
en. I also used to have the habit give it back in full measure
of hanging on to her “njory” (tail
of her dress) wherever she would Ammaachy’s Youngest son,
go. Even now, I sometimes miss Dubai, UAE