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P. 112
Another Mother
To Me
mmaachy is another and care for each other influenced
Amother to me. Her 103rd us immensely. We have passed
birthday coincides with our 25 th this on to our kids also and ask
wedding anniversary, and I take them to do likewise. As per her
this occasion to thank her for her wish, all her children and in-laws
loving ways which she has taught are truly one big loving family.
her son, my husband. My prayers and wishes for her
Ammaachy has been with him birthday and my thanks to God
through his ups and downs, and for making me a member of this
I too will never leave his side, her loving and blessed family.
“Punnara mon”. I hope this is the Hema
best gift that I can give her for this W/o Kochumon, Puthuppalli
birthday. Her repeated reminders Thonippurackal, Vackayil Family,
to everyone in the family to love