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P. 113


                    Cooked with Love

          My Dearest Ammachy,              would always have to do with
                                           Chakka. I would settle in with
          Thank you, for being part        the smell of the morning dew
          of the memories I cherish the    while I carelessly picked a slice
          most.                            or two from your plate. As the
          My summer breaks at the          Veranda slowly filled up, the
          little old house that sat coy-   place would be engulfed with
          ly on top of the hill, nestled   giggles and laughter and you
          amidst the trees. I would wake   would look at us with a smile.
          up to the morning rush in-       Today I realize that smile was
          side the kitchen; plates clat-   that of pride and content-
          tering, oil splattering while    ment, for this was the world
          someone mercilessly rolled       you built with love, patience
          around a rock because “kallel    and humility. I promise that
          arrekunna ruchi vere onni-       however far we may be, we
          num kittilla”. Those creaky      will always come back to this
          brown kitchen doors lead-        veranda to fill it with new
          ing to the veranda,while you     memories and new reasons to
          would be sitting on your chair   Love and Laugh.
          preparing for our favourite      Forever & Always
          breakfasts are among my                                Chinnu
          favourite memories. Yes, it               D/o Kochumon, Dubai, UAE

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