Page 116 - Full book_Neat
P. 116
“On Her Tongue is the
Law of Kindness”
mmachi has influenced holidays every year. Secondly her
Ame in many ways and two constant love for everyone was so
main aspects stand out. Firstly her genuine. Even with so many peo-
hospitality-Every summer vaca- ple to attend to daily, she always
tion we used to go to Irupackal displayed a calm and positive
and visit our cousins. I remember demeanor.
how Ammachi used to welcome Ammachi is such a wonderful
us warmly. She used to daily pre- inspiration of sacrificial love and
pare meals and Kerala delicacies kindness. Her loving example of
lovingly. She made no distinction dealing with children, grandchil-
between her children and her sis- dren and extended family is truly
ter’s children. She showered us remarkable. The words of Prov-
with so much hospitality that we erbs 31 are so true of Ammachi,
looked forward to our summer “She opens her mouth with wis-