Page 119 - Full book_Neat
P. 119
and Ammaachy’s children have mother (Kunjunjamma), Am-
had happy times--eating delicious maachy’s younger sister, I sensed
meals, enjoying each other’s jokes the love of the two sisters, and
their genuine care for each other.
In August 1999, I remember how
Ammaachy, who was 81+, trav-
elled from Kerala to Bangalore to
be with my mother during the last
days of her life. During the final
moments, Ammaachy, the elder
sister, held my mother’s hand and
said goodbye to her.
Such moments are unforget-
table--there were sacred and a
Ammaachy has continued to
live with her quiet compassionate
faith, joyful heart and is an inspi-
ration to all of us. We continue to
be amazed at her ability to engage
with all persons who visit her.
At the age of 103, she is indeed a
great mentor and a loving aunt.
and reveling in each other’s com-
pany. Those times were priceless. Omana
In conversations with my Second daughter of Ammachy’s sister,
Kunjuammamma, Boston, USA