Page 123 - Full book_Neat
P. 123
area chatting of the happenings. and fatherless children taste the
However, there were corners in loving care of a Heavenly Father
the main verandah where the el- who meticulously planned every
derly men sat quietly expecting detail of their lives.
their family to maintain the deco- The dresses they wore, the
rum of a disciplined home while schools they studied (including
doing mundane tasks without a the boarding Ammaachy stud-
whimper. ied) and the manner they were
Imagine two toddlers inno- married off with a handsome gift
cently running around the home reflected the doing of the Sover-
bringing bursts of laughter on the eign and Loving Father. This did
one side and grumpy faces repri- not mean that they were the par-
manding them, leaving their sen- agon of all virtues. They had their
sitive mother hurt and helpless share of childishness when caught
and reprimanded by
their uncle (a school
teacher) for playing
in the stream close
to the school after
their classes had be-
gun. Being the niece
of a school teacher,
their laughter at
the pranks done by
others or questions
unanswered by oth-
ers in class brought
quick retribution.
This caused them to
miss an earthly fa-
and the young ones confused and ther /brother – a male figure who
mixed up. The stigma of being a would love them as they were and
widow and fatherless were indoc- would wipe a tear from their eyes.
trinated into their system. Well, Their mother –Sosammaam-
all this helped this tender mother machy--did valiantly. She worked