Page 121 - Full book_Neat
P. 121

a blessing to all of us.         and complete self-sacrifice that
            One incident in my life has  she did this. It was such an emo-
          been etched to my heart. My  tional reunion, they embraced
          mother was diagnosed with ter- each other and cried and cried.
          minal cancer and she had a few  Everyone present in the room was
          days to live. Her dying wish was  crying.The strong bond and love
          to see her children and her sister  they had for each other was so
          before she went home. We (the  genuine, enduring all obstacles
          children) managed to come home  and refreshing.  Yes, Ammaachi
          and were able to be with Mama.  though soft spoken was often able
          However, it seemed as if she was  to accomplish the impossible with
                                                 her  determination and
                                                 prayers.My Mama soon
                                                 passed away, content and
                                                 at peace, her last desire
                                                    Anyone who spends
                                                 time with Ammaachi
                                                 leaves with a mesmerized
                                                 feeling of awe. She is truly
                                                 a remarkable person, who
                                                 is encouraging, wise, kind
          waiting for someone.  Then  it  and smart, with a great sense of
          dawned on us when Ammaachi  humor. Also, with a great dispo-
          arrived in Bangalore suddenly, it  sition, smiling and never com-
          seemed they had telepathically  plaining. She brings a touch of
          communicated their longing to  heaven to all of us….my dear
          see each other one last time. Am- sweet, loving Ammaachi.
          maachi had come to Bangalore
          in a bus, travelling night and a         Rohini and Kunjumon
                                                      third daughter and husband of
          large part of the day, an almost         Ammachy’s sister, Kunjuammamma,
          impossible task at her age. It was                      Dallas, USA
          her sheer determination, love

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