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P. 120
A Touch of Heaven
he fruit of the Spirit frequently from one state to an-
“Tis love, joy, peace, pa- other. However, my father made
tience, kindness, goodness, faith- it a point to go home to Kerala
fulness, gentleness, and self- con- to visit our families during our
trol”--Galatians 5:22. summer vacation.
This, in a nutshell, is my Am- One of the greatest times we
maachi. have had growing up was meeting
Ammaachi and my mother up with my cousins and spending
were the daughters of Sosamma- time with them in summer. We
chi, a widow. They grew up in a spent most of the time in Eru-
village called Nedugadappalli in peckkal. It is still a mystery to
Kerala. Ammaachi spent most me how Ammaachi managed
of her life in this village, married to feed twelve kids without ever
and had eight children. While being frustrated or disturbed.
my mother married, due to my Ammaachi though soft spoken
Papa’s vocation as a Central gov- was a model mother. Her strong
ernment employee, had to move faith and prayerful life have been