Page 124 - Full book_Neat
P. 124
hard, prayed hard and by her life embraces coupled with delicious
of sacrifice nurtured the next gen- and tasty meals (cut finely and
eration of mothers, who refined delicately with ingredients pains-
in the fire of affliction became as takingly added for flavour) en-
refined as fine gold. These young abled us to feel at home, with no
girls grew up to be women and desire to meet any other relative.
as enumerated in Proverbs 31, For this, we were taken to task by
feared the Lord and did all their our parents.
tasks for Him. Ammaachy had the ability to
Ammaachy is a gentle but a descend to our level and make us
strong personality who always feel special and loved. We could
believed that brethren needed narrate many instances of eating
to dwell together in unity and hot chips freshly made and con-
love. Her ability to deflect vol- sumed till we became sick. This
atile situations without fear but speaks of her generosity, even
with meaning and precision is though the early days were not
note - worthy. Her deep devotion easy.
and consistency in Bible-reading Every time we meet Am-
and prayer enabled many of her maachy now, we see her ready and
children to follow her example talking of those who had gone
of not only knowing about Jesus before. She looks forward with
but also desiring to be like Him. hope to be in the presence of the
During our summer vacations Lord for eternity and to meet all
when all 12 (8+4) of us got to- her loved ones there. She is al-
gether, there was never any dif- ways cheerful and has only good
ferentiation. She was not just a thoughts of everyone, including
mom to 12 but later on to each caretakers. Never have we seen a
of their spouses as well. For us, more content and cheerful per-
she stands as an embodiment of son than Ammaachy. And just as
love and a mother who always Proverbs 31 says…all her children
prayed and desired unity among call her blessed indeed.
all 12 families. Her spontaneous Ammaachy, being a great
laughter, her ready humor, her learner, had been able to imbibe
love for cricket, and her loving the valuable life experiences of