Page 114 - Full book_Neat
P. 114

Century-old Smile

                ne of the luckiest bless-  dreaming about her, the mem-
           Oings I have received in  ories playing in my head like a
        my life is the fact that I am the  favourite old movie, the sound
        youngest grandchild of the fam-  of her voice calming me like an
        ily. This not only allows me to be  unforgettable song and her warm
        abundantly pampered, but be- and beautiful smile that always
        cause my childhood was filled  radiates joy and warmth. When I
        with tales from “Mallappally Di- open my eyes and catch a glimpse
        ary”, starring none other than my  of my reflection on the mirror,
        Ammachy.                         there is a smile on my face that
           At times when my house felt  is recognisable. Ah yes, it’s Am-
        cramped and chaotic with just me  machy’s smile. I shall always hold
        and my sister, I wondered how  onto this precious heirloom, re-
        Ammachy managed a house with  membering to smile through the
        eight vexatious children. Though  tough times and the good times
        my memories are not many, each  in life.
        one is precious. I close my eyes                          Akku
                                                      S/o Kochumon, Dubai, UAE.

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