P. 27

  Costs are often made an excuse for neglecting quality. It costs too much is normally
                                 considered a valid finality, without asking how much is too much? Achieving quality
                                 may be costly, but bad quality could be more costly.
                               The cost of not satisfying a customer is difficult to measure? Loss of customer due to
                                 poor service can rapidly erode the bottom lie
                               In insurance  the law  prescribes maximum levels  of permissible  expenditure.  Well
                                 managed companies operate at much lower costs.

                      (c)  The five gaps to be managed
                      1  There are five critical gaps that may occur affecting the quality of service, which, as stated
                          earlier, is the difference between expectations and experienced as perceived.

                               Gap  1  is  between  the  management’s  perception  of  customer’s  expectation  and
                                 customer’s expectations.
                               Gap 2 is between MCE and the product benefits as designed. The management tries
                                 to  incorporate  into  the  service  product  elements  that  would  meet  the  needs  as
                               Gap 3 is between DPB and the actual product benefits as delivered. This happens
                                 because of incompatibility between different parts of systems, modifications, and
                                 errors dring actual rendering of service.
                               Gap 4 is between APB and the communicaton of the service benefits to customers.
                               Gap 5 is between the perception of actual experience (pae) and Ce.

                   E.  Responsibility for quality

                      (a)  Senior management responsible
                               Often there is a tendency to say that quality has to be managed by those out there
                                 at the front
                               Even for the remaining 20% or less caused by people at cntact npoints
                               An  agent  represents  the  insurer.  The  management  has  to  take  responsibility  for
                                 what the agent says and does at the premises of the prospect.
                               Training  for  an  agent  doesnot  consists  of  only  communication  of  the  technical
                                 details of the policy contract.

                      (b)  Keeping customer out
                               In the case of service, the customer is very much part of the process of making the
                               Avoidance of customers out from the process has to be balanced with his needto
                                 know – the factor of being informed or communication

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