P. 25

  Recogniton is explicit when the other person shows courtesy.
                               Recognition means that the contact point accept the customer as a valued person.
                               Recognition  is  strong  when  there  is  a  responsiveness  and  sensitivity  to  the
                                 requirements of the customer.
                               The competence of the person at the point has to be satisfying. When the person
                                 answers a query, the customer must perceive it as accurate and reliable.
                               Realiabilty or credibility is the same as trustworthiness. The person in contact must
                                 reinforce the trust that the service being bought will indeed be available.
                               Ease of access is another important factor, locations, telephone connection hours of
                                 operation etc, and make for ease of access.
                               Internet,  smart  and  various  APP’s  have  made  access  extremely  easy,  almost
                                 instantaneous. Every service provider is making APP available for variety of services.
                               The latest electronic fund transfer protocol called UPI was launched by NCPI which
                                 allows customers to transfer fund instantly.

                   B.  Elements of service

                               The elements of service, in the context of insurance, are not the benefits included in
                                 an insurance plan. The elements are in the interaction which the customer has with
                                 office or its representative.
                               Both the people and the process matter in creating the perceptions. The elements
                                 of the service at that time are the speed of attention the concern shown for the
                                 claimant state of mind.
                               Internal efficiencies, in terms of better resource utilisation and /or productivity, may
                                 improve the quality of the service or of the system.
                               A  poduct  is  the  outcome  of  a  process.  This  is  so  in  service  also.  The  process  is
                                 functional and interactive. The process has system, technology, and people.
                               The billing and payment procedures in a garage form a part of the service. Even if
                                 the repair job is done perfectly, the procedure for prepairing the bill and paying the
                                 same can create a perception that will affect the patronage of the garage itself.
                               The  Malcolm  balridge  national  quality  award,  instituted  in  1988  to  promote
                                 excellence in American companies. All these intervening casual variables lead to the
                                 final outcomes of business results.

                   C.  Levels of quality

                               Robert galvin, chairman of the executive committee of motorola Inc said that there
                                 were four levels of acceptable service – good, very good, near perfect, and wow.
                               Experiences  that  cause  dissatisfaction  are  usually  talked  about.  Experience  that
                                 cause  satisfactions  are  usually  not  talked  about  but  when  there  is  a  wow
                                 experience, it is not forgotten.

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