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                                               RURAL MARKETS


               The rural areas, comprising of more than 6 lakhs villages and about 70% of the population had been
               neglected  in  the  past  by  insurance  companies.  It  cannot  x  ignored  any  more.  There  are  significant
               developmental activities happening the rural areas. This chapter attempts to provide a picture of what is
               happening in the rural areas.

               LEARNING OUTCOMES

                   A.  The Rural Sector
                   B.  Economic Growth
                   C.  Infrastructure
                   D.  Development Programmes
                   E.  Structure of the Rural Markets
                   F.  Insurance is Rural Areas

               A. THE RURAL SECTOR

               a) General

                   1.  Ever since the nationalisation of insurance (life in 1956 and non-life in 1973), there has been a
                      thrust towards developing the rural market for insurance. Apart from the fact that about 70% of
                      the people live in rural areas, the rural economy was vital for the country.

                   2.  The  insurers  in  the  public  sector  had  done  much  to  develop  the  markets,  both  in  terms  of
                      infrastructure and appropriate covers. The Insurance Act and the IRDA regulations provide that
                      all insurers must transact a certain minimum business in the rural areas.

                   3.  The rural area is defined by the IRDA as a place in which the population does not exceed 5000,
                      as per the last census, the density of population is not more than 400 per square kilometer and
                      at  least  75%  of  the  male  working  population  is  engaged  in  agriculture.  This  is  the  criteria
                      followed by the census in identifying villages.

                   4.  As per the census of 2011, 68.84 % of the people, totaling 83.3  crores,  stayed  in  the  6,40,867
                      villages  and  the  remaining  31.16%,  totaling  37.7  crores,  stayed  in  the  15,870  urban  areas,
                      consisting of small and big towns. There are 2.56 lakh gram panchayats, which are units of self
                      governance representing one or a cluster of two or three villages.

               (b) Profile of the Rural Sector

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