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1.  The  Government  has  started  the  Mission  Antyodaya,  a  process  for  participatory  planning,
                      beginning at the village panchayat level, feeding into the block level plans, which then enrich the
                      district level plans. The target of Mission Antyodaya is to address multi dimensional poverty in
                      lock-step with four major programmes, the National Rural Livelihood Mission, the Deen Dayal
                      Upadhyaya  Grameen  Kaushalya  Yojana,  the  National  Social  Assistance  Programme  and  the
                      Indira Awaas Yojana.

                   2.  Another programme of the Government of India is ratted Nay Katnana Inch  and is meant to
                      study various innovations and submit reports to improve rural areas at various levels such as
                      governance, agriculture and hygiene. This wilt also monitor the progress of various programmes
                      of development in the rural areas.

                   3.  On  1st  May  2016, the  Government  launched  the  Pradhan  Mantri  Ujjwala  Yojana  that  would
                      provide 5 crore women with LPG cylinders. This will reduce pollution, within the homes and
                      outside, as well as improve the health of the housewives and rural population in general.

                   4.  There  are  also  programmes  for  speedier  implementation  of  infrastructure in  the  rural  areas,
                      through construction of roads and provision of electricity. It is expected that by March 2017,
                      every  village  in  the  country  would  have  electricity.  This  would  enable  the  establishment  of
                      industries, resulting in opportunities for employment outside the agricultural sector. Not only
                      would the market pote- tiai grow several fold, but access to that market would become easier.

                   5.  There are also programmes to improve efficiency in agriculture  (through better knowledge and
                      credit) and for marketing of agriculture produce, through unified agricultural marketing scheme
                      creating a common marketing platform in wholesale markets. Inaugurated on 14th April 2016,
                      the National Agricultural Market (NAM), is an electronic trading portal, which will connect 21
                      wholesale  agricultural  markets  (mandis)  in  8  states  immediately  and  585  mandis  in  India  by
                      March 2018. The farmer will be able to know the prevailing process in all these mandis and sell
                      at the place of his choice.

                   6.  The Pradhan Mantri Sinchayee Yojana has planned an outlay of ? 50000 crores over the next 5
                      years  till  2020  to  provide  irrigation  to  every  village  in  India,  by  converging  various  ongoing
                      irrigation schemes into a single focussed programme. Of the total of 141 million hectares of net
                      cultivable area, only 46% is covered with irrigation.

                   7.  A  Scheme  for  Promotion  of  Innovation  in  Rural  Industry  and  Entrepreneurship'  (ASPIRE)  will
                      create  a  network  of  technology  centres  and  incubation  centres  to  promote  start  ups  and
                      accelerate entrepreneurship in the agro industry.

                   8.  The Government of India had provided 850 crores in the budget for 2016-17, for setting up a
                      National  Genomic  Centre  for  promoting  advanced  breeding  technology,  as  part  of  the
                      programme on improved animal husbandry.

                   9.  The Skill India programme aims to create 50 crores of skilled persons, most of whom will be in
                      the rural areas.

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