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want to do so (values) and not because of any penalties prescribed by law. People stand in
queues or do not pick other's pockets, because they think it is wrong to do otherwise. Those
who do not think so, will do so, despite the existence of laws and penalties. It is not as if they
have no values, what they do are not wrong
2. Every member of an organisation must understand its values. Otherwise, will act in a manner
contrary to what the company thinks is right. Conformity in behaviour is achieved easier through
shared values through shared values than through rules and regulations. Value dissemination is
also necessary for empowerment.
3. In the case of insurance companies, the values will relate to the
extent to which the laws and regulations will be observed or avoided (letter versus spirit).
the attitude towards settlement of claims (try to pay or try to avoid).
biases (unequal treatment) in dealing with employees or clients.
(c) Ethical Dilemma
1. When a choice has to be made between alternatives, a decision has to be made. If the
alternatives can be evaluated on economic or such other measurable considerations, which
throw up clearly some data helping to decide which alternative to prefer, there is no difficulty in
making the decision. If the alternatives have equal weight on the relevant criteria, there could
be difficulty in making the choice. That situation is called a dilemma. Sometimes, all the
available choices may have ethical implications. That is to say, any choice wilt be right as well as
wrong at the same time. When this happens, there is an ethical dilemma.
2. Individuals find different ways to resolve ethical dilemmas. No choice is fully justifiable. What is
done is to justify the choice to oneself with a statement of rationalisation. The statements used
to rationalise are of the following nature.
It is not really wrong (it is within reasonable limits).
It is in the interest of the organisation.
It is expected.
It will not be found out.
The company will protect me.
It won't hurt anybody.
Others are doing so.
It would save money or make money.
There is no other way.
Others will understand.
It is not that important.
I am only following instructions.
I am only doing a job.
I am not responsible for the decisions.
I will be excused.
(d) Managing Ethics
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