P. 69
Society does not approve of exploitation' by organisations. Exploitation includes unfair
treatment of workers as well as of customers and suppliers. It demands justice in distribution of
goods, fidelity to
contracts, respect of basic rights of members of society. The extent to which an organisation
conceals real data about itself, and attempts to mislead, is also a nature of exploitation.
Society is a bigger entity than the aggregate of workers, consumers, suppliers, etc. who deal
directly with the organisation. There is public awareness of the bad effects that may be caused
to the environment as well as to the normal life of the people, in an area where a factory is set
up. Pressures are built through voluntary organisations as well as government agencies to
control and avoid these bad effects. Organisations, even governments, have been compelled to
abandon or to substantially modify plans and projects, because of public pressure.
There is increasing awareness that an organisation has to be responsible for the development
and welfare of the community around itself. This is not only in terms of better economic
development of the area, but investing in the development of township, hospitals, schools,
parks and so on, which would have an impact on the quality of life of the community.
Society holds the organisation responsible for any damage caused to the environment as a
result of neglect within the organisation. If there is any accident, and damage is caused to
people, property or
environment, the organisation would be liable for damages, penalties and compensations,
which may become increasingly burdensome in future.
The policies governing employment and management of employees are expected to conform to
the aspirations of society. Particularly relevant are extra consideration for the weaker sections,
minorities, women, care for the old and the sick, safety precautions, etc.
1. Individuals determine corporate values. Some individuals, like those who founded the
organisation, may have more influence than others in determining corporate values. A strong
spiritual base helps to exercise significant influence in determining values.
2. Spirituality is different from religiosity. Spirituality is the very essence of all religions and thus
unites mankind. Common people however, understand religion in terms of rituals and practices
ordained by the priests and commentators. These tend to divide people along religious
3. Spirituality consists of an awareness that man is just an element in the huge universal system, in
which there is place for, not only every living being, but also for the trees and plants and
mountains and seas. Being aware of the inscrutable dynamics of the events in the universe, the
movements and changes based on processes still not understood, functioning with precision
and regularity over several centuries, the tremendous power and the force held within minutest
particles and so on, one cannot but be wonderstruck at the creation that encompasses the
whole. Then, one has no option but to be humble and not to arrogate to oneself an exclusive
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