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3.  Some of the areas in which Sustainability is focussing on are

                     Investment in generation and use of renewable energy (REINVEST) like solar power, which the
                      Government is placing emphasis on. The target of the National Solar Mission is 100,000 MW of
                      solar energy by 2022, of which 40,000 MW would come from roof top installations connected to
                      the Grid.
                     Joining programmes like EP 100, which aims to double energy productivity (increase economic
                      output for each unit of energy consumed) by the year 2030, which will result in savings of US$
                             327 billion per year in energy costs, add 1.3 million jobs and reduce CO2 emissions by
                     Housing with green certificates  (using  less  resources  from  depleting  forest  covers)  to  reduce
                      power  consumption,  including  manufacture  of  bulbs  and  other  electrical  equipments,  that
                      consume less power without loss of output efficiency.
                     Ways to conserve water, waste management. Hindustan Unilever Ltd, has, working with NGOs,
                      government agencies and local communities, managed to save  100  billion  litres  of  water  and
                      generate 7 lakh person/days of employment.
                     Micro irrigation
                     Electric vehicles like Model 3 Testa car launched globally in March 2016.
                     Substitutes for depleting resources. Example is   `manufactured' sand, instead of sand from river
                      beds. Used beverage cans instead of bauxite and primary aluminium. Birlas are searching for
                      ways to avoid using wood from endangered forests in its manufacture of viscose staple fibre and
                     Swedish brand H & M has crafted a jacquard riding coat made from recycled PET bottles, as part
                      of its new line Conscious Exclusive featuring 100% sustainable materials. Also making its foray
                      into H & M's range of organic clothing is a fabric called Tencet created from the cellulose of
                      eucalyptus wood pulp.

                   4.  Sustainability  provides  a  new  framework  for  thinking  that  moves  from  a  linear  model  to  a
                      coherent model that has value as part of an era of cheap oil and materials. The new concept is
                      of  a  circular  economy,  which  refers  to  an  industrial  economy  that  is  providing  waste  and
                      pollution  by  design  or  intention  and  in  which  material  flows  are  of  two  types  -  biological
                      nutrients designed to reenter the biosphere safely and technical nutrients which are designed to
                      circulate  at high quality in the production system, without  entering the biosphere as well as
                      being restorative and regenerative by design.

                   5.  Sustainability has also given rise to a new concept of Triple Bottom Line (TBL), an expression
                      coned  by  John  Elkington.  TBL  suggests  that  there  be  separate  bottom  lines  for  social,
                      environmental (or ecological) and financial dimensions. Ratified by the United Nations and the
                      ICLEI  (groups  of  local  self  government),  TBL  will  be  the  standard  for  urban  and  community
                      accounting and the dominant approach to public sector cost accounting. Similar UN standards
                      apply to natural capital and human capital measurement

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