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         sustainability initiatives. Being able to convey complex  commitment to making a positive impact, and a proactive
         concepts in a clear and concise manner is highly valued.  mindset are crucial. Employers look for individuals who
                                                              demonstrate dedication to sustainable practices, resilience
         Analytical and problem-solving abilities: Strong analytical  in the face of challenges, and a long-term vision for a
         skills will help you assess environmental impacts, identify  sustainable future.
         areas for improvement, and develop sustainable solutions.
         Problem-solving abilities will enable you to tackle challenges  Aptitude: Demonstrating the required skills, knowledge, and
         and find innovative ways to address sustainability issues.  expertise is equally important. Employers seek candidates
                                                              who possess the technical competencies necessary to

         Collaboration and leadership: Sustainability often requires  address sustainability issues effectively. The ability to learn
         working with interdisciplinary teams and engaging    and adapt to new technologies and evolving practices is also
         stakeholders from various sectors. Being able to collaborate  highly valued.
         effectively, influence others, and lead sustainability initiatives
                                                              Possessing the right qualifications, technical skills, industry
         will enhance your career prospects.
                                                              knowledge, and communication abilities will open doors to
                                                              opportunities. However, an enthusiastic attitude, passion,
         Balancing of attitude and aptitude is key to         and commitment to sustainability are equally essential to
         thriving in the field of sustainability.:            drive positive change and contribute to a more sustainable
         Attitude: Having a passion for sustainability, a genuine  world. (Source: ToI)

                RBI’s ‘Diwali gift’ for borrowers: Alerts via SMS and higher

                                      compensation in case of delay

         A few days before the auspicious day of Diwali, the banking regulator Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a set of
         instructions which – in letter and spirit – favour the retail borrowers. These include intimation via sms when your credit
         information is shared with the bank, and entitlement to a higher compensation when there is a delay in updation of credit

         Have you ever wondered why you suddenly get a string of calls from banks offering personal loans soon after you applied
         for a loan? This may have happened after a credit rating agency such as CRISIL shared your credit report with the bank
         you had approached for the loan. Although this will still happen, at least you will know as to why this happened.
         The RBI has now instructed the banks and these agencies that the customers must be informed when a bank happens to
         access their credit report. The RBI, via a circular, has instructed the credit information companies (CICs) and credit
         institutions (Cis) to send the alerts through SMS/ email to customers when their credit information report is accessed by
         a lender. Banks will also be supposed to send alerts through SMS/ email to customers while submitting information to CICs
         regarding default/ days past due in existing credit facilities. The circular was issued on Oct 26 and will come into effect six
         months from the date of this circular.
         The customers can also send requests for data correction by credit institutions. And in case of rejection, credit institutions
         will inform the customers the reasons for the rejection of their request for data correction to enable such customers.
         The RBI has also said that a compensation mechanism will be put in place for delayed updating / rectification of credit
         information by the credit institutions and credit information companies.
         Complainants will also be entitled to a compensation of Rs. 100 per calendar day in case their complaint is not resolved
         within a period of thirty calendar days from the date of the initial filing of the complaint by the complainant. A CI shall pay
         compensation to the complainant if the CI has failed to send updated credit information to the CICs by making an
         appropriate correction or addition or otherwise within twenty-one (21) calendar days of being informed by the complainant
         or a CIC. (Source: Mint)

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