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         Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act                      Mumbai Office) of the Reserve Bank of India for grant
                                                                 of no objection certificate (NOC) under Sections 49B
         2020 - Change in Name of Co-operative                   and 49C of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (‘BR Act’),
         Banks                                                   clearly stating the reason/s for such change (as per
                                                                 format given in Annex – 2). The approval of the Gen-
                                            October 30, 2023
                                                                 eral Body of the bank shall be mandatory at the time
                                                                 of submitting such requests to RBI.
         1. Pursuant to the notification of the Banking Regulation
                                                              2. NOC from RBI under section 49C read with section 56
             (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of 2020), Sections 49B and
             49C of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (‘BR Act’) are  of BR Act, 1949 will be necessary only in case there is
                                                                 a requirement for ‘confirmation’ from Central/State
             applicable to Co-operative Banks. In terms of Section
             49B, the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies  Government, one or more authority/authorities for al-
             (CRCS)/Registrar of Cooperative Societies (RCS) shall not  teration of bye-laws under the applicable Co-operative
             signify its approval to the change of name of any co-  Act /Rules. It will be mandatory for a co-operative bank
             operative bank unless the Reserve Bank certifies in  to give a declaration in writing regarding above men-
             writing that it has no objection to such change. Fur-  tioned requirement for ‘confirmation’ under the appli-
             ther, in terms of Section 49C, no application for the  cable Co-operative Act /Rules while submitting its re-
             confirmation of the alteration of bye-laws of a co-op-  quest to RBI.
             erative bank shall be maintainable unless Reserve Bank  3. It may be noted that the cooperative banks shall submit
             certifies that there is no objection to such alteration.  their requests for change of name and bye-laws, only
         2. Accordingly, it has been decided to issue guidelines with  when these are supported by valid and compelling rea-
             regard to the procedure to be followed for any change  son/s for the proposed change. It may be noted that RBI
             in name by a Co-operative Bank as enclosed in Annex -1.  shall have the discretion to assess whether the reason/
                                                                 s submitted by the bank are valid and compelling.
                                                              4. After getting NOC from the concerned office of the Re-
         3. These guidelines will come into effect from the date of
                                                                 serve Bank, the Co-operative banks will approach the
             issue of this circular.
                                                                 Central Registrar of Co-operative Societies (CRCS) or
         Encl: Annex – 1 and 2                                   Registrar of Co-operative Societies (RCS)1 for amend-
         Annex – 1                                               ment in their bye-laws. Once the approval is obtained
                                                                 from CRCS/RCS, the Co-operative Banks will apply to
         1. A cooperative bank desirous of change in its name shall  the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank
             approach the Department of Supervision (DoS) of the  with the following documents:
             concerned Regional Office (DoS, Central Office in case
                                                                 i.  Approval of Board of Directors
             of Co-operative Banks coming under the purview of

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