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                                   7 skills to beat stress

         W              e are supposed to build immunity by   or possessions. Negative labels are risky because we come

                                                              to believe them and accept those labels as our reality. This
                        following a good diet and exercising every
                                                              causes us to feel bad or dislike ourselves. Nothing is more
                        single day. Resilience works the same way.
                        We need to build it systematically, daily -
          not once a week and not only when time permits. Here are  stressful than self-hate.
                                                              Review the labels you describe yourself with. Replace every
          seven skills that increase your resilience every day. They  single negative label with a pure, powerful, positive label.
          create an inner shift in your ways of being, ways of thinking  Feeling good about yourself is a huge step in experiencing peace.
          andways of living.
                                                              Skill 5: Listen to the tutor within. At times we struggle to
          Skill 1: Write your story, not theirs. We are the scriptwriters,
                                                              discern rights and wrongs. The doubt and deliberation can
          directors and actors of our movie of life. But throughout the
                                                              become stressful. Fortunately, our innate wisdom - inner
          day, when we watch or interact with others, we keep  voice, intellect, intuition or gut feeling - in the subconscious
          writing mental scripts of how they are, how they should be  mind is always active and guides us correctly. Spend a few
          and what they should do. In the process we forget to sort,  minutes with yourself in silence every day. Introspect on the
          fix or perfect our own role. Our co-actors are responsible  consequences of your actions before choosing your karma.
          for their roles. Focus on perfecting your own performance.
                                                              That is when you will hear the intuition, and it always knows
          Skill 2: Make acceptance natural. All of us hold a desire that  what is right for you.
          the world should bend to our wants. And when it does not,  Skill 6: Make trusteeship a lifestyle. We are bestowed with
          we start whining or questioning the circumstance. It means  so much in life - body, relationships, achievements, material
          we do not go with the flow. Most of our stress comes from  possessions and natural resources. We are supposed to take
          this inner struggle to wrestle with the natural flow.
                                                              care of them and use them as trustees. But somehow, we
          Shift from asking 'What is this?' to accepting as 'This is it.'  assume ownership of everything that we have and become
          When you surrender to the reality instead of resisting it, you  emotionally attached to it. Where there is attachment,
          conserve energy, which can then be used to focus on  there will be fear of losing, and stress. Practise a new
          solutions and new possibilities.                    consciousness - instead of ownership, be a trustee. As a
          Skill 3: Choose your words wisely. Words are the most  trustee, you can take better care because it would be caring
          powerful tools at our disposal, but they are often  without fear, possessiveness or control. This will keep your
          underrated. Whether it is to ask, inform, explain, advise,  mind at ease and relaxed.
          convince or impress, we tend to over-think and, hence, over-  Skill 7: Transcend illusions about yourself. Self-awareness is
          speak. Excessive talking depletes our energy and eventually  precursor to emotional stamina. Unfortunately, many of us
          increases stress.                                   do not know our reality as souls. Even if we know, we keep
          Practise speaking less throughout your day. Observe your  identifying with the body and the labels of roles, positions
          vocabulary and eliminate all low-energy, negative words .  and achievements. We first stress about gaining all of them
          Gradually, your words will raise your vibrations, the  and then stress about holding onto them. Regaining the
          vibrations of situations and of the people around. You will  awareness of the self puts a lid on our illusions.
          be more at ease with yourself.                      You are a soul who is an embodiment of peace and power.

          Skill 4: Flip negative labels. All through our life, people  Hold on to this truth. Shifting to a stress-free life is easily
          bombard us with labels for who we are or are not - based  achievable because it depends only on one person: yourself.
          on our achievements, appearance, background, personality  (Source: Times of India)

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