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                                                                 of the KCC (fresh loans and renewals) applications from
                                                                 physical mode to digital mode.
                                                              Y  Banks like State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank,
                                                                 Union Bank of India, Bank of India, and Punjab & Sind
                                                                 Bank have online tracking facilities for application status
                                                                 and loan status.
                                                              Y  Some banks are having a Straight Through Process (STP)
                                                                 for crop loans up to 1.60 lacs, wherein the farmer can
                                                                 directly get the loan without visiting the branch. The
                                                                 digital documentation with e-signature will ensure
                                                                 seamless processing and disbursement of the loans.
                                                              The major objective of STP in agriculture
         Y   The details of farm financing given on the websites are  The automation in lending has been launched for agriculture
             as follows:
                                                              lending (KCC) by many public sector banks and the private
             o   Eligibility and KYC norms
                                                              banks also. Farmer-friendly on-boarding is currently available
             o   Quantum of finance                           through the bank's website and mobile banking applications
             o   Rate of Interest                             also. These are the following major objectives of the STP.
             o   Margin norms                                 1. No document submission or branch visit is required for
             o   Service charges                                 farmers.
             o   Security features                            2. Reduced TAT, sanction, and loan account opening within
             o   Documentation                                   a few minutes.
             o   Repayment period                             3. Online farmland verification
             o   Interest subvention                          4. Use of satellite imagery and mapping to verify cropping
             o   Whether application forms are available online or  information, geotagging, etc.
                 not                                          5. Read bureau integrations for a credit history check.
         Y   The online application forms with the required details  6. Automated decision on loan, basis land ownership,
             are to be submitted online.                         cropping, bureau data
         Y   The officers sitting in the branches will have access to  7. Option for execution of loan documentation digitally
             the pre-filled loan application. After approving the  through Aadhar-based e-signing integration done with
             application, the loan can be sanctioned.            NeSL
         Y   Applications and other related forms for agriculture  Conclusion:
             lending are given in PDF format and made available on  It is to be mentioned that the digitalization of agriculture is
             the websites, where they can be downloaded and   still in its nascent stages in the Indian banking system. The
             further submitted at a nearby rural branch.      digital India initiative of the central government has been
         Y   Documents needed for farm loans in PDF formats to  well received in the village areas too. There is proper
             facilitate banks taking of proper documents have been  infrastructure available in the rural part of the country
             made available on the websites.                  through internet-enabled mobile phones. On the other hand,
         Y   Some of the banks have given clear Check lists for  all the PSBs and private banks are aggressively shifting their
             individual agriculture products.                 lending styles from physical to digital. It will be a win-win
                                                              situation for the farmers and the banks as well, as it will
         Y   Most of the banks have computerized the processing  save time and money when lending or obtaining loans from
             of loan applications through processing centres or  the banks. Therefore, it is very important to make the
             "hubs," and a specific time frame for such processing  initiative of changing the face of agriculture banking more
             has been fixed.                                  popular through a process of aggressive financial literacy and
         Y   Most of the banks are phase wise shifting the processing  awareness camps. T

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