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          FACE OF AGRI


         Introduction :                                       holdings; the production of the farms is lower, and the
                                                              income is lower. To increase the productivity of the farm
         The Banks in India have played a vital role in the
         development of the country's economy, be it the rural one  fields, it is required to adopt modern technology, and that
                                                              will also cost investment; hence, the importance of the
         or the urban one. More specifically, the Indian public sector
         banks, The Regional Rural Banks and the cooperative banks  lending institutions became more crucial.
         have been serving the financial needs of the rural population
         of the country since their very initial days. In India, where  Agriculturist in India
         more than 65% of the population lives in villages. These  The Department of Agriculture, Co-operation, and Farmers
         communities had only experienced banking in the last two  Welfare conducts an agriculture census every five years to
         to three decades. In the modern age of technology, the rural  collect data on the structural characteristics of the
         areas of the country are also not untouched by the adoption  agricultural sector, including the size of agricultural land
         of technology. The majority of the farmers have small land  holdings in the country. As per the latest information
                                                              available from the Agriculture Census, the average size of
                                About the author              operational holdings has decreased from 2.28 hectares in
                                                              1970-71 to 1.84 hectares in 1980-81, to 1.41 hectares in
                          Md Shahid Kabeer                    1995-96, and to 1.08 hectares in 2015-16.
                          Senior Manager - Faculty,
                          Union Bank Of India                 Due to rapid growth in the village population and the
                          Zonal Learning Centre               emergence of the nuclear family concept, the land holdings
                          Visakhapatnam                       of Indian farmers are shrinking gradually.

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