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                          Table 2: Branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India

           SCBs*               March 2006           March 2020            March 2021            Dec 2022
                            No.         %          No.        %         No.        %         No.         %
           Rural            28167      39.11      52457      33.52      52767     33.33      53953      33.42
           Semi-urban       16676      23.07      42689      27.28      43543     27.50      44444      27.53
           Urban            12611      17.44      29856      19.07      30626     19.34      31178      19.32
           Metropolitan     14726      20.38      31507      20.13      31385     19.83      31843      19.73
           TOTAL            72280       100      156509       100      158321      100      161418        100

         SCBs: Scheduled Commercial Banks Ref: RBI website

         Steps to improve the agriculture sector              exclusively caters to the movement of perishable agricultural
                                                              and horticultural commodities. The Cluster Development
         in the country:                                      Program (CDP) has promoted integrated and market-led
         The agriculture sector in India has grown at an average  development for horticulture clusters. Support for creating
         annual growth rate of 4.6 percent during the last six years.  a Start-up ecosystem in agriculture and allied sectors is also
         This growth is attributable to good monsoon years and  being provided to the farmers. All these measures are
         various reforms undertaken by the Government to enhance  directed towards supporting the growth in agricultural
         agricultural productivity. Many government-sponsored  productivity and sustaining its contribution to overall
         programs for sustainable agriculture have been       economic growth in the medium term (Economic Survey,
         implemented. Soil Health Cards, the Micro irrigation Fund,  2022-23).
         and organic and natural farming have helped the farmers
         optimize resource use and reduce cultivation costs. The  New Initiatives by the financial
         promotion of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and the
         National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) extension Platform  institutions for agriculture lending:
         have empowered farmers, enhanced their resources, and  After going through the recent developments in the
         enabled them to get good returns on their farm produce.  agriculture lending landscape and the introduction of
                                                              technology for financing the agriculture sector by the
         The Agri Infrastructure Fund (AIF) has supported the  different financial institutions, the below-mentioned points
         creation of various agriculture infrastructures. Kisan Rail  can be easily highlighted.
                                                              Y All the Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and other financial
                                                                 institutions in India have given importance to
                                                                 agriculture lending.

                                                              Y All PSBs have included Agriculture lending in their web
                                                                 pages, giving due coverage of the products and services
                                                                 provided by them to the farming community.
                                                              Y The agriculture loan product's details, including Crop
                                                                 Loans (KCC), Jewel loans for agriculture, SHG and JLG
                                                                 group lending for agriculture, Activities allied to
                                                                 agriculture with special reference to dairy and poultry,
                                                                 government-sponsored schemes, financing against
                                                                 Warehouse receipts, Horticulture, Farm mechanization,
                                                                 including Combined harvesters and tractors, Minor
                                                                 irrigation with special reference to micro irrigation,
                                                                 etc., are available on the corporate websites of the

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