P. 48


          Average Land Holding with Farmer as per             The government of India is more focused on providing
                                                              financial assistance to the agriculturists of the country. To
          agriculture census 2015-16 (Provisional)
                                                              facilitate banking in the unbanked areas, the RBI introduced
     State              Avg Area landholding    "No frills a/cs", "Zero balance savings a/cs", "financial
                                            (in Hec.)         inclusion", "financial literacy", "collateral-free loans",
                                                              "margin-free loans", special schemes like "Mudra",
            1      Uttar Pradesh              0.73
                                                              "interest-free subsidies," etc. Ultimately, the Banking
            2      Bihar                      0.39
                                                              industry tries to bring everyone under its fold and reach the
            3      Andhra Pradesh             0.94            poorest section of society.
            4      Odisha                     0.95
            5      Tamilnadu                  0.75            The Indian Banking system is one of the most well-
                                                              established financial systems in the world. The banks are
            6      West Bengal                0.76
                                                              well distributed to cater to the needs of the last village, and
            7      Kerala                     0.18
                                                              the following table depicts the number of bank branches in
            8      Jammu & Kashmir            0.59            India and its categorization.

         The above-listed states are considered to be large states  Table 1: No. of Scheduled banks in India
         where the average land holding is very small, so it is very well
         understood that the dependency merely on farm income              as of March 1, 2023
         cannot suffice the needs of the families. Therefore, there are  Scheduled Banks  No.       Branches
         two options available to the families: one is migration, which
         is very common, and another is to evolve modern technology  Public Sector Banks   12         91490
         and improve the productivity of the small landholding farmers.  Private Sector Banks  21     30690
                                                               Regional Rural Banks        43         21756
         Initiatives of the Government and the                 Urban Cooperative Banks    1531         NA

         Banks to cater the financial needs of the             Rural Cooperative Banks /  97006        NA
         rural areas                                           Societies

                     Figure 1: Breakup of Indian farming community and lending types

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                           NOVEMBER | 2023 | 43
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53