Page 26 - Life Insurance Today April 2018
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name. Thus he purchased this policy on 26.07.2016. He  free look period had elapsed by then.. The respondent
         was assured that he could opt for cancellation of the policy  argued that policy was issued on the basis of duly signed
         anytime and the amount would be refunded to him. On  proposal papers and other necessary documents.
         receipt of the policy, he felt cheated and approached the  Thecancellation request was made after the free look
         Company for cancellation of the policy. The Company re-  period.Hence, it was not possible to cancel the policy and
         fused to cancel the policy and refund the premium as the  refund the premium. The complainant proved on the ba-
         free look period had elapsed by then The respondent ar-  sis of audio recording of the telephonic conversation be-
         gued that policy was issued on the basis of duly signed  tween the complainant and the alleged officials canvass-
         proposal papers and other necessary documents.       ing the policy on false promises. the Respondent had not
         Thecancellation request was made after the free look  replied to the Complainant’s allegation of wrong assur-
         period.Hence, it was not possible to cancel the policy and  ance, allurement and misguidance made by the corporate
         refund the premium. The complainant proved on the ba-  agent over mobile phone at the very initial stage of can-
         sis of audio recording of the telephonic conversation be-  vassing the Policy. The Insurer has preferred to be silent
         tween the complainant and the alleged officials canvass-  on this issue while replying to the Insured as well as to the
         ing the policy on false promises. the Respondent had not  Forum. He complainant was awarded with refund of pre-
         replied to the Complainant’s allegation of wrong assur-  mium of Rs. 70000/-.
         ance, allurement and misguidance made by the corporate
         agent over mobile phone at the very initial stage of can-           In the matter of
         vassing the Policy. The Insurer has preferred to be silent
         on this issue while replying to the Insured as well as to the    Mr. Premmaraju V. Rao
         Forum. He complainant was awarded with refund of pre-                       Vs.
         mium of Rs. 99999/-.
                                                                    Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
                        In the matter of                          Complaint Ref No. AHD-L-006-1617-0958

                    Mr. Vishnubhai I. Prajapatil                            Policy No.001093034

                                                              The Complainant had purchased a Bajaj Allianz Unit Gain
          Future Generali India Life Insurance Company        Policy from Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. on
                                Ltd.                          26.09.2005. In the month of July, 2016, he learnt from the
                                                              insurer’s call centre that his policy had been foreclosed due
                Complaint No. AHD-L-017-1617-0991             to non-payment of premium as per the terms of the policy.
                        Policy Nos: 01306096                  He appealed to the respondent’s higher office against their
                                                              foreclosure action and demanded refund of premiums paid
         The Complainant had stated that his friend Mr. Amrutlal  by him. The appeal was turned down by the respondent.
         M Prajapati had approached him to purchase a policy from  The complainant submitted that the insurance company
         Future Generali Life Insurance Company Ltd. His friend had  had misled him by giving him wrong information about
         received a call from one Mr. Rohit Sharma informing him  number of premiums to be paid under the policy. Initially
         that he was the HOD of IRDAI and 28 Life Insurance com-  he was assured that only 3 annual premiums were re-
         panies. He was asked to purchase a policy to get the ben-  quired to be paid. The Insurer informed that the policy was
         efit “of Rs. 16 lakhs from the Government. In this way his  foreclosed without any intimation to him. At no point of
         friend had purchased 11 policies in different person’s  time, during the period of the policy, the respondent had
         name. Thus he purchased this policy on 21.12.2016. He  given any intimation regarding the available fund or the
         was assured that he could opt for cancellation of the policy  foreclosure action before it was taken. He said, he had a
         anytime and the amount would be refunded to him. On  similar policy from TATA AIA, and the TATA AIA had in-
         receipt of the policy, he felt cheated and approached the  formed him before hand and he was able to revive and
         Company for cancellation of the policy. The Company re-  continue the policy. This was highly unethical on the part
         fused to cancel the policy and refund the premium as the  of the respondent He was asked whether he would con-

                   The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.

          26                                            April 2018                            Life Insurance Today
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