Page 25 - Life Insurance Today April 2018
P. 25


         Legal Case Studies on
         Health Claim

                        In the matter of                      due to trauma was listed in the annexure to M S B. The
                                                              insured had undergone surgery of two Maxillary (Upper
                          Arvind A Jethva                     and lower jaws). It was required as a result of accident.
                                                              As per certificate of treating Doctor K.R. Rao of Rao’s plas-
                                                              tic surgery and burns hospital dated 01/06/2015 wherein
                    LIC of India (Rajkot-Health)              he mentioned that Mrs. Ramaben was operated for
                                                              faciomaxillary injuries – lacerations our face, forehead
                Complaint No. AHD-L-029-1617-0233
                                                              upper-lip and # body of mandibh (Rt. Parasymphygal) un-
                       Policy No. 814548626                   der general anesthesia. Despite the Doctor’s opinion, the
                                                              Respondent, the TPA had merely gone by the wordings
         Brief History of the case:                           rather than the spirit of the terms and conditions. The TPA
         The Complainant had taken Health Plus Policy on 15/12/  had failed to apply its prudent mind. It was surgery of jaws
         2008. The complainant’s wife Mrs. Ramaben was hospital-  due to accident and not a cosmetic surgery hence claim
         ized at Ruparelia Neuro hospital Trauma Centre & ICU,  became payable. The complaint is admitted.
         Jamnagar from 24/05/2015 to 01/06/2015. She was diag-
         nosed with Head Injury (Poly Trauma) due to vehicular  In view of the foregoing, the Forum, hereby, directs the
         accident. As per the discharge summary she was operated  Respondent to pay Rs. 1,80,000/- to the Complainant. (60
         under General Anesthesia for Maxillary Mandible #. The  % of Sum Assured)
         complainant had incurred an expenses of Rs.1,49,455/-
         Against his claim a sum of Rs.9,750/- was settled.                  In the matter of

         The Complainant’s wife had undergone surgery for Maxil-        Mr. Yogeshkumar N. Parmar
         lary Mandible # (i.e. fracture on lower jaw and upper jaw).
         It fell under Surgical Benefit Annexure List of Surgical Pro-
         cedure under ORO-MAXILLAFACIAL SURGERY of the policy  Future Generali India Life Insurance Company
         schedule. “Major reconstructive oro-maxillafacial surgery                   Ltd.
         due to trauma or burns. It was not for cosmetic purpose.
         The TPA had considered only HCB claim (Hospital Cash       Complaint No. AHD-L-017-1617-0977
         Benefit) and settled claim for Rs.9,750/- only. The surgery        Policy Nos: 01306140
         falls under Surgical Benefit Annexure where 60% of the
         sum assured i.e. Rs.1,80,000/- (60% of S.A. Rs.3,00,000/-)  The Complainant had stated that his friend Mr. Amrutlal
         was payable..
                                                              M Prajapati had approached him to purchase a policy from
         As per Respondent the claim was settled under HCB (Hos-  Future Generali Life Insurance Company Ltd. His friend had
                                                              received a call from one Mr. Rohit Sharma informing him
         pital Cash Benefit) clause. The surgery does not full under
                                                              that he was the HOD of IRDAI and 28 Life insurance com-
         MSB (Major Surgical Benefit) there for the claim was con-
         sidered for HCB only and the claim was settled accordingly.  panies. He was asked to purchase a policy to get the ben-
                                                              efit of Rs. 16 lakhs from the Government. In this way his
         The Forum noted that the surgery (Maxilla facial Surgery)  friend had purchased 11 policies in different person’s

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