Page 40 - Insurance Times September 2020
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such areas, which only an open mind can identify, where  Very often they are compared with those very performance
         synchronisation amongst reporting of different sectors is  parameters in the previous / previous corresponding period.
         required and possible.
                                                              Comparison with the similar performance parameters of the
         Use and Misuse of Aggregation                        peer organisations is another dimension on which they try
                                                              to report. Concerned Regulator too, at periodic intervals
         No doubt insurance is a business of aggregation. This unique
                                                              report such performance parameters. Managements of the
         business attribute of the insurance sector does not liberate
         the sector from the concept of segmental reporting. Concept  organisations do the same reporting, with a difference that
                                                              the positive ones getting highlighted and the negative ones
         of segmental reporting is a financial tool developed by
                                                              getting downplayed. All this is very fine to get some idea
         accountants to assess the segmental performance and it is
                                                              about the performance of the organisation.
         an anti-dote for deficiencies of aggregation. Segmental
         report is part of the annual reporting for the insurers too.
         It endows insurers' reports with high level of transparency.  Those few in the relevant field who are familiar (being
         The reporting practice in this regard so far, has been on  reasonably literate in the relevant activities) do make some
         product based segments. A better and scientific      sense (if not complete) out of such reportage. But for others
         segmentation has to be peril based.                  and the common man who may not be so literate, these
                                                              reporting mean nothing. They do not make much sense. It
                                                              is said and literally true that you can take the horse to the
         It can also be based on the subject matter of insurance -
         person, property (-passive at rest, active at rest, passive in  water but you cannot make it drink. Though making sense
                                                              out of reading, requires a real thirst in the reader, yet
         transit, active in transit), liability and income. Often statistics
                                                              otherwise also it is possible to make reporting more
         is compared to a bikini. It conceals the vital. Similarly current
         product based segmentation though provides detailed  meaningful to every one.
         breakups, it does not bringout the vital intelligence to guide
         right decision making. This is a radical suggestion, but is  Reporting the performance by comparing it with some
         based on logical and rational thinking. It is not the insurance  benchmarks is one such way. The best example in this regard
         product which decides the outcome. It is the frequency and  is the reportage on rainfall. In addition to the annual
                                                              variation, it is always compared with the longterm average.
         severity of the peril and / or the nature and susceptibility of
         the subject matter insured that decides the outcome.  In view of this, readers understanding becomes more
                                                              meaningful than its mere comparison either with previous
                                                              period or with that of peer/s. The period comparisons have
         We need to establish the linkage of outcome with the peril
                                                              a limited purpose of flagging the performance of some
         and / or with the nature of subject matter insured. This
         should improve not only the quality of reporting but also the  specific period. Peer comparison is effective only in an
         quality of rating. It will also significantly upgrade the  intensely / fiercely competitive market.
         transparency of the industry. The opposition / resistance to
                                                              On the other hand comparison with the benchmark /
         this suggestion can only be due to the difficulty involved in  standard has a much broader and general purpose. Equally
         achieving such segmentation. It is challenges of this kind,  enlightening / illuminating example in this regard is the
         which afford opportunities and prove to be the turning  practice of checking the BP or sugar level against the more
         points in the course of creative history. Apart from its value
                                                              scientifically set benchmarks. Therefore developing
         in facilitating true and objective assessment of performance,
                                                              standards and bench marks and presenting the performance
         its role in comparative analysis by synchronised reporting
                                                              against those standards or benchmarks can add substantially
         needs to be realised. It carries in it the most potent seeds  to the reporting quality.
         of product simplification too.
                                                              Currently this exercise of setting benchmarks exists in a
         Acceptable Standards / Bench Marks                   limited way in organisational target setting exercise. In
         'Single digit', 'double digit', 'negative' are some of the  addition, some kind of bench marks set by the regulator, are
         growth adjectives frequently observed in the reports of  found with regard to 1. Expense ratio, and 2. Solvency. There
         business correspondents of media organisations informing  are also some benchmarks in the citizens charter
         the readers on business growth of insurers. Similarly claims  commitments / regulatory prescriptions (Service standards
         ratio, expense ratio, profitability, and solvency are other  for policy issuance, claim settlement, grievance redressals).
         parameters on which such reports often speak eloquently.  It is necessary to raise this exercise to the next level.

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