Page 31 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 31

It's important to note that while blockchain offers numerous  various sources, such as weather stations or IoT devices.
         benefits, it also has limitations such as scalability concerns,  When predefined triggers are met (e.g., a specific
         energy consumption in certain consensus mechanisms, and  weather condition), the smart contract automatically
         regulatory challenges. Therefore, careful consideration of  executes the payout. This can expedite claim
         the specific use case and implementation is necessary to  settlements and improve coverage for events that are
         harness the full potential of blockchain technology.    difficult to assess through traditional methods.
                                                              5. Streamlined Underwriting and Verification: Blockchain
         Potential uses cases of Blockchain in the               technology can simplify the underwriting process by

         Life Insurance Industry                                 enabling secure and efficient verification of policyholder
                                                                 information. By storing data on a blockchain, insurers
         1. Fraud Prevention: Blockchain can help prevent fraud  can access verified information without the need for
             in life insurance by cre-
                                                                 repetitive verification from multiple sources. This
             ating a secure and
                                                                 reduces the time and resources required for
             transparent system for
                                                                 underwriting, enabling faster policy issuance.
             storing policyholder in-
             formation. By recording                          6. Policy Transfers and Secondary Market: Blockchain
             policy details, claims,                             can facilitate the transfer and trading of life insurance
             and transactions on a                               policies in a transparent and secure manner.
             blockchain, it becomes                              Policyholders can tokenize their policies on a blockchain,
             difficult to manipulate                             allowing them to be traded as digital assets. This opens
             or forge records. This                              opportunities for the creation of a secondary market,
             can reduce instances of fraudulent claims and improve  where policyholders can sell their policies to interested
             trust among insurers and policyholders.             buyers, providing liquidity, and potentially increasing the
                                                                 value of their policies.
         2. Smart Contracts: Blockchain enables the use of smart
             contracts, which are                             These are just a few applications of blockchain technology
             self-executing con-                              in the life insurance sector. Now, we have perspective of the
             tracts with predefined                           block chain use cases, it is imperative to evaluate the
             rules and conditions. In                         benefits of using block chain technology in Life Insurance.
             the context of life in-
             surance, smart con-                              Benefits of leveraging Blockchain
             tracts can automate
             claims processing and                            Technology in Life Insurance Industry
             payouts based on pre-                            1. Enhanced Security: Blockchain provides a distributed
             determined criteria,                                immutable ledger that stores data across multiple
             such as the occurrence                              nodes. This makes them very resistant to manipulation
             of specific events or milestones. This automation im-  and fraud. By employing strong encryption and
             proves efficiency, reduces administrative costs, and en-  consensus mechanisms, blockchain ensures the security
             sures accurate and timely claim settlements.        and integrity of policyholder information and reduces
         3. Data Privacy and Security: Life insurance involves the  the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
             exchange of sensitive personal and medical information.  2. Improved Transparency:  Blockchain provides  a
             Blockchain technology can enhance data privacy and  transparent and verifiable record of transactions,
             security by providing a decentralized network where  policies and claims. All participants in the network have
             data is stored across multiple nodes. This eliminates the  access to the same information, creating a common
             need for a central authority to hold and manage data,  source of truth. This transparency increases trust by
             reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized  allowing insurers, policyholders and other stakeholders
             access.                                             to independently verify the accuracy and validity of
                                                                 transactions and policies.
         4. Parametric Insurance: Parametric insurance policies
             are based on predefined triggers or indices rather than  3. Streamlined Processes: Blockchain can automate and
             traditional claims processes. Blockchain can facilitate  streamline various processes in life insurance. Smart
             parametric insurance by providing real-time data from  contracts are simple programs that are stored on a

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