Page 28 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 28

Government policies and regulations also play a pivotal role  innovative approach allows project stakeholders to receive
         in shaping the insurance landscape for renewable energy.  timely payouts based on predefined triggers, facilitating
         Supportive policies that promote renewable energy    quicker recovery and minimizing financial disruptions.
         development can incentivize insurers to create specialized
         products and offer competitive rates. Collaboration between  As we stand at the crossroads of energy transition, embracing
         governments, entire insurance fraternity, and renewable  renewable sources is not merely an option; it is a necessity.
                                                              The journey towards a sustainable future powered by
         energy stakeholders is vital to establish a conducive
         environment that fosters sustainable energy initiatives.  renewable energy requires collective commitment,
                                                              technological innovation, and a shared vision of preserving
                                                              our planet for generations to come.
         India's journey towards a sustainable energy future is gaining
         momentum, with renewable energy sources taking center
                                                              Thus, the intersection of renewable energy and insurance
         stage as the nation strives to meet its ambitious climate goals.
                                                              underscores the inseparable link between sustainable
         As the renewable energy sector continues to expand, the
                                                              development and risk management. As the world embraces
         intersection of renewable energy and insurance plays a crucial
                                                              the green revolution, insurance providers are poised to
         role in ensuring the success and resilience of India's green
                                                              contribute to the success and longevity of renewable energy
         transition.                                          projects. By tailoring solutions to address technological,
                                                              operational, and financial challenges, the insurance industry
         Weather-related risks pose a significant concern for  becomes an indispensable partner in advancing a cleaner
         renewable energy projects in India. Erratic monsoons,  and more resilient energy future.
         cyclones, and extreme weather events can impact energy
         generation and revenue streams. Parametric insurance,  Through concerted efforts, we can usher in an era of clean,
         linked to specific weather parameters or energy production  abundant, and accessible energy that paves the way for a
         levels, offers a viable solution to address these risks. This  greener and more prosperous world.

               CBDT prescribes rules to calculate income from life insurance

                                   where premium exceeds Rs 5 lakh

           The Income Tax department prescribed a mechanism for calculating income proceeds from life insurance policies
           where the aggregate annual premium exceeds Rs 5 lakh. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified the
           Income Tax Amendment (Sixteenth Amendment), Rules, 2023, prescribing rule 11UACA for calculating income with
           respect to the sum received upon maturity of life insurance policies wherein the amount of premiums exceed Rs 5
           lakh and such policy/policies are issued on or after April 1, 2023.
           According to the change, for policies issued on or after April 1, 2023, the tax exemption on maturity benefits under
           Section 10(10D) will only be applicable if the aggregate premium paid by an individual is up to Rs 5 lakh a year. For
           premiums beyond this limit, the proceeds will be added to the income and taxed at applicable rates. The change in
           tax provision with regard to life insurance policies, except ULIP, was announced in the Union Budget 2023-24. AMRG
           & Associates Joint Partner (Corporate & International Tax) Om Rajpurohit said according to the formula, any surplus
           amount received on maturity would be subject to tax under the head ”income from other sources”.

           AMRG & Associates Joint Partner (Corporate & International Tax) Om Rajpurohit said according to the formula, any
           surplus amount received on maturity would be subject to tax under the head "income from other sources". AKM
           Global Tax Partner Amit Maheshwari said the provision was introduced to nullify tax advantage given to investments
           disguised as insurance policies. Since this provision would impact many individuals, especially the rich, CBDT has issued
           guidelines to remove difficulties, which is a welcome move. The guidelines are elaborate and give various examples
           on the computation of the consideration eligible for exemption, Maheshwari added. The taxation provision for the
           amount received on the death of an insured has not been changed and that continues to remain exempt from income

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