Page 25 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 25

event occurred in the seas south-west of Jamaica at a period  reparations in the form of financial support to organizations
         when Jamaica was at its lowest ebb, during the American  working to promote more economic opportunities for black
         Revolution.                                          people and other communities of color.

         The reverberations from the Zong case also had a major  Insurance was vital in facilitating the transatlantic slave
         effect on the plantation economy of Jamaica, an island that  trade. The majority of ships plying the infamous Middle
         went, in half a century, from being the jewel in Britain's  Passage between Africa and the Caribbean in the late 18th
         imperial crown to an especially disgraceful part of Britain's  century, when British involvement in slave trading was
         empire in the aftermath of the Morant Bay killings in 1865.  reaching its height, carried insurance, according to
         No Jamaican was called to give witness in the case of the  historians Robin Pearson and David Richardson of the
         Zong. Jamaica, however, was crucial in the case. We cannot  University of Hull, who coauthored an analysis of the
         understand the decisions that were made in late November  insurance policies some of these voyages carried.
         and December on board the Zong without placing it in the
         context of a Jamaican commercial and political world facing  In 1794, the Slave Trade Act was amended to limit the way
         severe disruption because of the turmoil of the American  insurers could underwrite slave voyages, making the "perils
         Revolution and accompanying natural disasters.       of the sea" and other general phrases illegal. Finally, in 1807,
                                                              Parliament made it illegal for any British ship to carry slaves
         Because this was an unusual time, it led to unusual slaving  and for British insurers to underwrite slaving voyages.
         voyages. What was most unusual about the Zong was not
         that slavers threw Africans overboard to claim on insurance.  The slave trade might have receded, but insurance frauds
         That crime happened with regularity. It was an unusual  have taken place in many different ways, and are still there
         voyage because of the way that the ship was acquired as a  are many cases pending to be voiced out.
         prize and unusual because the crew on the ship needed to
         be particularly attuned to some very specific commercial  Given the fluctuations in shipping markets, particularly the
         and political rhythms in Jamaica in 1781. Unusual cases  dry bulk sector which now seems to be steadily improving,
         seldom make for lasting legal precedents. In this case,  one would expect incidents of scuttling and insurance fraud
         however, it led to a lasting change in the relationship  to have been on the increase in recent years.
         between Britain's leading slave colony and the imperial
         state.                                               *I am thankful to Dr. S. Mukherjee, an Expert and
                                                              International Investigator for Maritime Fraud for his advice.
         It wasn't until 50 years later that the Slavery Abolition Act
         1833 abolished slavery in most British colonies, and the
                                                               Dr. Soumi Mukherjee completed her Graduation in Mass
         League of Nations 1926 Slavery Convention sought global
         prohibition of slavery and the slave trade.           Media and Masters in Mass Media from University of
                                                               Mumbai, later completed her Ph.d. She is interested in
                                                               Investigative Journalism related with History, Geography,
         One of the biggest firms of the insurance market Lloyd's of
                                                               Zoology etc. She is currently serving in Media Officer
         London became one of the first British firms to issue a formal
         apology for its involvement with slavery, offering to make  with International Police Organization.

            LIC acquires 6.66% stake in Jio Financial Services through demerger process

           LIC said it has acquired 6.66 per cent stake in Jio Financial Services, the demerged non-banking financial services
           unit of the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance group.
           "… Corporation has acquired 6.660 per cent shareholding in 'Jio Financial Services Ltd' through demerger action by
           'Reliance Industries Ltd'," LIC said in a regulatory filing. Jio Financial Services listed on the stock exchanges on August
           21. The market capitalisation of the financial services company stood at close to Rs 1.60 lakh crore.

           The LIC further said that the cost of acquisition of Jio Financial Services is 4.68 per cent of the pre-demerged cost of
           Reliance Industries.

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