Page 21 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 21

However, no quantum of financial compensation can be  The Way Ahead
         enough to cover human fatalities and serious injuries causing
                                                              Insurance is evolving beyond its core area to encompass
         permanent total disablement. It is sometimes necessary to  many new frontiers. Just as it is becoming important that
         work with a vision of a better world to achieve the best for  insurers become sensitive to environmental, social and
         society.                                             governance (ESG) concerns it is also necessary that they
                                                              reflect many new and modern concepts in their operations
         If the gold-standard of safety as envisaged by Vision Zero  and create value.
         can be applicable for rail and air-traffic, logic says that it
         must be also applicable to road-traffic. In the rare event of  It would be pertinent to recall here that the world's leading
         an air-crash or a rail-accident the media, government and  Lloyd's of London insurance market have apologized publicly
         the common public are vocal in their strident calls for  for their participation  in the transatlantic slave trade. They
         investigation and remedial measures.                 now aim to reflect  diversity in their work-force by recruiting
                                                              more black and minority ethnic people, amongst other
         The same standard should be applicable to road-accidents
         and occupational accidents as well. They should also be
                                                              Thus insurance is being re-defined and re-imagined and it
         treated as avoidable occurrences.
                                                              remains for insurers to take the Vision Zero movement
                                                              forward to contribute to a better and humane society where
         As far as the question of cost is concerned, it would be
                                                              the fundamental right to life and physical integrity is
         pertinent to review the costs of accidents. The International
                                                              established for all.
         Labour Organization (ILO) estimates indicate that
         approximately 4% of the world's gross domestic product is References
         lost due to the cost of injury, death and disease through  1.
         absence from work. Hence, in financial terms alone there  vision-zero
         would be significant tangible gains from incorporating these  2.
         safety protocols in society.                            VISION%20ZERO%20The%20Global_Prevention%20Strategy.pdf

                  ManipalCigna Health Insurance targets Rs. 1,000 crore biz

                                               in South in 2 years

           ManipalCigna Health Insurance is looking to double its business to Rs. 1,000 crore GWP (gross written premium) in
           the next two years in the southern region.

           With robust growth from the southern region (Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu), the
           company has garnered over Rs. 500 crore GWP with 37 per cent growth in the FY23.
           As part of its expansion plan in the southern region, ManipalCigna Health Insurance aims to launch new branch of-
           fices and plans to hire more employees and nearly 10,000 agents in FY24.
           The company has close to 20,000 advisors, major partners present in around 5,000 point of sale locations across the
           region through its distribution network, and 25 branch offices in South India. It has 3,300+ network hospitals in South
           India, out of the 8,700+ hospitals across the country.
           Sapna Desai, Chief Marketing Officer, ManipalCigna Health Insurance, said, "Kerala is reputed to have the best health
           system in India, and at the same time, it ranks second highest in terms of Out-of-Pocket expenditure, which is above
           the national average. With 68 per cent of medical expenditure being paid from dipping into retirement corpus, tak-
           ing a personal loan, or selling gold or other assets. Keeping in mind the increasing healthcare incidences and treat-
           ment costs, ManipalCigna is committed to securing an individual's and a family's domestic and global healthcare
           requirements by offering affordable, predictable, and simple health insurance solutions.
           ManipalCigna also has a corporate agency agreement with Geojit Financial Services and South Indian Bank to distrib-
           ute its health insurance products through their extensive network of branches.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  September 2023  19
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