Page 17 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 17

I I I I Inn nn ntt tt tee ee ernrn rnrn rnaa aa att tt tii ii ioo oo onn nn naa aa all ll l


         Indonesia property insur-          ($151.1 million) for property insurers in  uncertainties, as well as the weakening
                                            2022.                              of the Taiwanese dollar against the US
         ance industry to surpass
                                            To minimize the impact of climate  dollar, led to slower growth in the indus-
         $2 billion by 2027                 change, parametric insurance was in-  try in 2022. The industry is expected to
         Indonesia’s property insurance industry  troduced in Indonesia in October 2022  witness a similar growth trend over the
         will grow at a compound annual     for takaful insurers to protect farmers  next five years, supported by favorable
         growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% from    against extreme weather events. This  regulatory developments and govern-
         IDR26.6 trillion ($1.7 billion) in 2023 to  is expected to further support the  ment initiatives.”
         IDR37.1 trillion ($2.4 billion) in 2027,  growth of property insurance, as agri-  Motor insurance is the leading line of
         in terms of gross written premiums  culture is one of the major sectors of  business in the Taiwanese general in-
         (GWP), a leading data and analytics  the economy, contributing 12.3% of  surance industry, with an estimated
         company.                           the GDP in 2022, according to Statis-  GWP share of 50% in 2023. It is fore-

         According to Insurance Database,   tics Indonesia.                    cast to grow by 6.1% in 2023, sup-
         Indonesia’s property insurance market                                 ported by an increase in vehicle sales.
         is projected to grow by 7% in 2023 and Taiwan general insurance       According to Taiwan’s Directorate of
         7.8% in 2024. The growth will be   industry to surpass $11bn          Highways, total vehicle sales increased
         mainly supported by a surge in the                                    by 15% to 277,216 units between Janu-
         demand for natural catastrophic (Nat-  by 2027                        ary–July 2023, up from 241,343 units
         Cat) insurance, favorable government  The Taiwanese general insurance in-  sold during the same period in 2022.
         policies, and developments towards  dustry is set to grow at a compound  Recent regulatory developments have
         cleaner energy.                    annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.4%  also supported motor insurance growth
                                            from TWD248.1 billion ($8.4 billion) in  in the country. For instance, in Novem-
         Insurance Analyst, comments:
         “Indonesia’s high exposure to Nat-Cat  2023 to TWD317.8 billion ($11.3 billion)  ber 2022, the Financial Supervisory
         events, such as floods and earth-  in 2027 in terms of gross written pre-  Commission (FSC) issued an amend-
         quakes, will  support the growth of  miums (GWP).                     ment to compulsory automobile liabil-
         property insurance policies, which pro-  Insurance Database reveals that the  ity insurance for two-wheelers. The
                                                                               amendment included providing insur-
         vide coverage for extreme weather  general insurance industry in Taiwan is  ance coverage for micro-electric two
         events, in 2023.”                  expected to grow by 6.2% in 2023,  wheelers (e-bikes). Further, effective

         According to the National Disaster  supported by an increase in new ve-  June 2023, the Ministry of Transporta-
         Management Agency (NDMA), Indone-  hicle sales and rising demand for pri-  tion and Communications (MOTC) man-
         sia recorded 3,531 Nat-Cat events in  vate health insurance.          dated taxi and intercity bus operators
         2022, an increase of 4% as compared  Insurance Analyst comments, “Taiwan’s  to obtain passenger liability insurance
         to 2017. These events included 28  general insurance industry grew by 6.1%  coverage.  This will also support the
         earthquakes, 1,524 floods, and 1,062  in 2022 after registering a double-digit  motor insurance industry, which is ex-
         other extreme weather events, which  growth of 10.1% in 2021. An uncertain  pected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% over
         resulted in a loss of IDR2.2 trillion  global economic outlook and geopolitical  2023–27.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  September 2023  15
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