Page 19 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 19

have taken a 'Safe System' based approach have achieved  because insurers prefer that the insured customers always
         both the lowest rates of fatalities and the greatest reduction  respond to risks, as if they were uninsured and take
         in fatality levels over a length of time.            precautions to avoid loss. However, insurance provides the
                                                              security of a financial safety-net in the unfortunate
         Evolution of Vision Zero                             eventuality of an unavoidable financial loss,
         The right to life and physical integrity is a basic fundamental
                                                              There are many similarities between insurance and the
         right for everybody.  The International Labour Organization
                                                              philosophy underlying  Vision Zero as the essence of
         (ILO) has estimated that there are around 360,000 fatal
                                                              insurance is effective  risk management. Vision Zero also
         accidents at work and more than 1.95 million deaths caused
                                                              seeks to protect our most valuable assets namely life and
         by diseases resulting from poor working conditions and
                                                              health from the adverse consequences of risk.
         exposure to harmful materials.
                                                              The most valuable and indispensable human asset of any
         The collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory complex
                                                              country is its work-force and safe-guarding the same is
         near Dhaka in April 2013 killing 1,132 persons and injuring
                                                              important. It is only when life and health are assured from
         nearly 2,000 more for example, is a human tragedy which
                                                              harm can commitment to work be optimized. Therefore,
         cannot be forgotten. Hence, we have a long way to go in
                                                              Insurance and Vision Zero both endorse the success of
         ensuring this primary humanitarian requirement since the
                                                              enterprises, efficient production as well as motivated and
         large numbers of accidents at work and on the roads show
                                                              productive employees.
         that our safety standards are abysmal.
         The Zero Vision strategy has evolved into a prevention The Principles of Vision Zero and the

         strategy that is based on the concept that accidents  Role of Insurance
         whether on the road or at work can be prevented provided  Vision Zero is based on the four following principles and
         that right measures are in place. This concept also extends
                                                              insurers have an important role in realizing each of them:
         to occupational diseases which cause fatalities or
                                                              1. The first and foremost principle is that Life is not
         permanently damage health. Thus an important aspect of  Negotiable
         this culture of safety is to ensure working conditions where
                                                                 Nothing can be so important that it can be weighed up
         people can make mistakes, without risking fatalities and
                                                                 against human life and physical integrity. Safeguarding
                                                                 this right should be primary to everybody's duty. This
                                                                 duty encompasses not only the Governments but also
         This application of the Zero Vision strategy in its broader
                                                                 hazard-prone industry managers and insurers;
         sense is finding global acceptance. The International Social
                                                                 particularly accident insurers.
         Security Association (ISSA) and the International Labour
         Organization (ILO) have advanced this concept further to  2. The second principle is to acknowledge that people will
         various industries. (The International Social Security  make mistakes.
         Association is an international organization bringing together  A close examination of accidents, whether traffic
         national social security administrations and agencies. It was  accidents or at the work-place will indicate that that
         founded in 1927 and has more than 330 member            was human error in the chain of events which ultimately
         organizations in 158 countries.)The heads of government of  led to the accident. Hence, needless to mention, it is a
         the seven most advanced industrial nations, known also as  fact that mistakes cannot be totally avoided. Even so,
         the G7, announced their commitment to Vision Zero at their  Vision Zero emphasizes that mistakes must not cost
         annual meeting at Elmau in the year 2015.               precious lives.
                                                                 It would be pertinent to draw attention to the fact that
         Insurance vis a vis Vision Zero                         mistakes are acknowledged by insurers to cause
                                                                 accidents and the entire gamut of liability insurance
         Insurance helps to protect life, health and our physical
                                                                 covers negligence as a cause of third-party claims.
         assets from  loss or damage caused by insurable perils. Even
         as insurance helps to indemnify financial losses, in the  3. The third principle is that the ability to cope with
         process it also inculcates a culture of loss prevention. This is  physical and mental pressure is crucial
                                                                        The Insurance Times  September 2023  17
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