Page 15 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 15

L L L L Lii ii iff ff fe Ie I e Ie I e Inn nn nss ss suu uu urr rr raa aa ann nn ncc cc cee ee e


         SBI Life net up 45% on rise        for Uttar Pradesh by the IRDAI. This  LIC net profit jumps to
                                            move is part of IRDAI's State Insurance
         in renewal premium
                                            Plan to promote financial awareness  Rs. 9,543 crore in Q1
         SBI Life Insurance reported a 45
                                            and insurance inclusion.             LIC's has reported a standalone
         per cent increase in its net profit for                                 net profit at Rs 9,543.71 crore for
         the quarter ended June to Rs       Max Life aims to increase awareness
         380 crore, thanks to 28 per cent   and accessibility of affordable      the quarter ended June as against
         growth in renewal premium to Rs    insurance coverage in Uttar Pradesh  a profit of Rs 682.88 crore in the
         7,350 crore.                       through digital insurance awareness  corresponding quarter of last year,
                                            activities in Chandauli and Varanasi,  a rise of 1,297 per cent.
         Gross written premium grew by 19 per
         cent to Rs 13,560 crore  year-on-year  the company said. They plan to extend  However, the net premium income
         (YoY) in Q1, particularly due to 18 per  similar initiatives to other districts in  of LIC was almost flat at Rs
         cent growth in single premium and 28  the next six months, including those  98,362.75 crore as compared to Rs
         per cent rise in renewal premium," it  under the Government of India's  98,351.76 crore in the same
         said. New business premium grew 11  'Aspirational Districts Programme.'  period of last year. However,
                                                                                 sequentially,  the net profit
         per cent to Rs 6,210 crore YoY in Q1,
         aided by an 18 per cent rise in single  Govt appoints R Doraiswamy      declined 29 percent from Rs
         premium business.                                                       13,428 crore reported in the
                                            as LIC MD                            March quarter. The net premium
         The individual new business premium                                     income dipped 25 percent quarter-
         grew 18 per cent to Rs 4,060 crore in  LIC said the government has      on-quarter.
         Q1. The value of new business margin  appointed R Doraiswamy as the
         for the quarter stood at 28.8 per cent.  managing director. Doraiswamy is  The income from investments of
         "Strong growth in 37th month and 61st  currently the executive director at the  LIC, the largest investor in the
         month persistency in Q1 FY 24 by 262  central office in Mumbai.         stock markets, rose 29.80 percent
         bps and 645 bps respectively due to                                     to Rs 90,309 crore in the quarter
                                            He has been appointed as managing
         our focus on improving the quality of  director of LIC in place of Ipe Mini with  under review, compared with Rs
         business and customer retention," SBI                                   69,571 crore in the same quarter
         Life said.                         effect from the date of assumption of  of last fiscal.
                                            charge of the office on or after
                                            September 1, 2023, and up to the date  Siddhartha Mohanty, Chairperson,
         Max Life appointed lead                                                 LIC, said, "Our overall expense
                                            of his superannuation on August 31,
         insurer for Uttar Pradesh          2026, or until further orders,       ratio has become better and our
                                                                                 margins are stable on year-on-year
         Max Life Insurance Company Ltd. has  whichever is earlier, a regulatory filing  basis."
         been designated as the "Lead Insurer"  said.

                                                                        The Insurance Times  September 2023  13
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