Page 12 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 12

H H H H Hee ee eaa aa all ll ltt tt th Ih I h Ih I h Inn nn nss ss suu uu urr rr raa aa ann nn ncc cc cee ee e


                                            Final decision over health         Regarding errors in linking of Aadhaar
           Prudential plans health                                             in Tamil Nadu, NHA replied that the
                                            fraud vests with states
           insurance venture in                                                state is using its own IT platform (and
                                            The CAG's performance audit report,  database) for beneficiary identifica-
           India                            tabled in the Lok Sabha recently,  tion. NHA has urged states to migrate

           London-based Prudential is looking  revealed multiple cases under the  to the Aadhaar based BIS platform of
           to set up a health insurance ven-  scheme, providing treatment for  NHA to strengthen beneficiary verifica-
           ture in India. The company, which  patients who had already been    tion protocols, according to the CAG
           is in a partnership with ICICI Bank  declared dead, as well as for thousands  report.
           for its life insurance and asset  of people using the same Aadhaar  In 7.5 lakh cases, the beneficiaries
           management business, may need    number or invalid mobile phone     were found to be linked with the same
           to look for another partner as the  number. However, the Health Ministry  mobile number, 9999999999, which
           latter has a non-life venture - ICICI  defended the scheme, saying that  was invalid. Health ministry sources
                                            mobile numbers did not play any role
           Lombard General Insurance.                                          claimed this may have been possible
                                            in the verification of scheme
           There are five standalone health                                    because initially, the mobile number
           insurance companies in India -                                      was not a mandatory field during ben-
           Aditya Birla, Care, Manipal Cigna,  The National Health Authority (NHA),  eficiary verification. "However, since
                                            implementing agency for ABPMJAY,   there was a field for mobile numbers,
           Niva Bupa, and Star Health. Health
           insurance is the fastest-growing  while accepting the audit observation,  it is possible a random 10-digit number
                                            stated that the National Anti-Fraud  was entered by the field-level work-
           segment in non-life, and its share
                                            Unit (NAFU) had sent periodic remind-  ers," one of the sources said.
           has risen from 29.5% in FY231 to
                                            ers to the states/UTs highlighting dis-
           35% in FY23. In a recent investor  crepancies in verified data.     Other irregularities pointed out include
           call, Anil Wadhwani, CEO of Pru-                                    treatment of a beneficiary already
           dential, said, "India is clearly an ex-  "However, 'public health' being a state  shown as 'died' during earlier claim,
           citing market, with a large popu-  subject, the final decision in this regard  admission of the same patient in mul-
                                            vests with the state governments. Also,  tiple hospitals during the same
           lation... there is significant under-
           penetration."                    NHA is developing a policy to disable  hospitalisation period, and number of
                                            'Add Member' functionality in case of  patients admitted to a hospital exceed-
           Besides the growth opportunity, a  any beneficiary family with more than  ing its declared bed strength.
           presence in health insurance sup-  15 members," NHA said.
           ports the life business by providing
                                            Further, it added, NAFU is sending a  PSU insurers review plans
           information on health. It also en-  communication to the states/Union
           sures that a line of business is not                                of captive health TPA
                                            territories to fully audit all such cases
           impacted by market performance
                                            where family size is above a certain  Public sector insurers are relooking at
           or interest rates.
                                            threshold.                         their investment in Health Insurance
                                                                        The Insurance Times  September 2023  11
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