Page 13 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 13

TPA of India, a captive services com-  Dr Shetty's Narayana group to enter health insur-
         pany, for its inability to meet objectives.
                                              ance biz
         Sources said a committee comprising
         former Oriental Insurance chairman   Cardiac surgeon Dr Devi Shetty's Narayana Health group has sought a li-
         Anjan Dey and other PSU officials has  cense from IRDAI for a health insurance business.
         been set up to submit a road map.    The group has set up Narayana One Health, and roped in insurance industry
         HITPA was incorporated in 2013 in    veteran Ravi Vishwanath to lead it. Vishwanath was earlier in charge of
         Delhi with two key objectives to en-  health and accident businesses at HDFC Ergo.
         hance customer experience and in-    Dr Shetty's model aims to offer affordable coverage by reducing the cost of
         crease efficiency in the PSUs' health  treatment in hospitals through economies of scale, sources said. Dr Shetty
         insurance claims processing. A corol-  (70), who received the Padma Bhushan in 2012 for his contribution to af-
         lary benefit would be to reduce the
                                              fordable healthcare, has advocated for insurance coverage where contribu-
         bleeding in the health insurance port-  tions of many would cover costs of the few who need treatment.
         folio of public sector insurers.
                                              Narayana Health currently offers healthcare plans from a provider's stand-
         HITPA is a joint venture of five public  point. However, provider-led coverage is restricted to the footprint of the
         sector insurance companies - National  healthcare provider. Health insurance will enable comprehensive coverage
         Insurance, Oriental
                                              without any limitations in terms of provider or geographic area.
         Insurance, New India Assurance,
                                              "It would be a boon for the industry if the model of affordable health cover-
         United India Insurance, and GIC of In-  age through cheaper healthcare takes off," said the CEO of a private health
         dia. PSU insurers had put Rs 120 crore
                                              insurer. He added that medical inflation tends to be higher than general
         into the TPA, which went into building  inflation due to frequent upgrades in medical technology. Additionally, even
         up the necessary infrastructure.
                                              as health insurance increases demand for healthcare services, capacity cre-
                                              ation takes time to catch up.
         Ayushman health insur-
                                              Dr Shetty, who gained prominence for performing the country's first neona-
         ance: Private players out-           tal heart surgery and being Mother Teresa's physician, founded Narayana

         bid PSU firms to bag 2               Hrudayalaya in Bengaluru in 2001. In 2009, the US media dubbed him the
                                              'Henry Ford' of heart surgery for his approach to achieving economies of
         states                               scale in healthcare to reduce costs.

         Amid reports about fake accounts in
         Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan  However, NIC has managed to retain  health insurance scheme, the Comp-
         Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), the
                                            Jharkhand on the basis of its efficient  troller and Auditor General of India
         government's flagship health insurance
                                            management of the scheme during the  (CAG) has said that Rs 6.97 crore was
         scheme, two private sector general  last three years. Competition is likely  paid for the treatment of 3,446 pa-
         insurers have outbid public sector gen-
                                            to hot up for other states when re-  tients who had previously been de-
         eral insurers to bag AB-PMJAY ac-  newal comes up in the future.      clared dead in the database.
         counts of Gujarat and Meghalaya for
                                            Reliance General Insurance will be  The scheme, launched in 2018, has been
         the next three years.
                                            earning a premium of around Rs. 150  rolled out in both rural and urban areas
         PM-JAY is fully funded by the govern-
                                            crore that will help the company to  with the aim of reducing out-of-pocket
         ment and cost of implementation is  bridge the gap n the health portfolio  expenditure for the poor and vulnerable
         shared between the central and state  that it has with peers.         population seeking healthcare.
                                                                               In the performance audit, under the
         Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has Under PMJAY, Rs. 6.9 crore        head "Treatment of a beneficiary
         outbid Oriental Insurance Company  paid for treatment of              shown as 'died' during earlier claim/
         (OIC) to win the mandate for Gujarat                                  treatment", the CAG noted that "pa-
         and Reliance General Insurance (RGI) 'dead' patients: CAG             tients earlier shown as 'died' in TMS
         has pushed out National Insurance  Flagging irregularities in the audit of  (the Transaction Management System
         Company (NIC) for Meghalaya in the  the Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan     of the scheme) continued to avail
         competitive bidding.               Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)   treatment under the scheme". T

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