Page 10 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 10

e Reegguullaattoorr
                                                                     e R
                                                                     e Regulator
                                      I I I I Inn nn nss ss suu uu urr rr raa aa ann nn ncc cc ce Re Reegguullaattoorr


           IRDAI relief for insurers        Top 15 Insurance firms to          mates of the financials as per parallel
                                                                               IFRS-17 for their consolidated balance
           in HDFC investments              adopt IND-AS from April            sheets, which need to be presented on
                                            The insurance sector is set for a game-  their foreign partner's home turf. Ac-
           IRDAI issued a statement declaring
           that bonds and debentures held by  changing development with the IRDAI  cording to sources, some of the compa-
           insurers in HDFC Ltd as of the date of  asking the top 15 companies, across life  nies identified for the pilot phase in-
           the merger announcement, April 4,  and non-life, to adopt the new IND-AS  clude ICICI Prudential Life, ICICI
           2022, will maintain their status as  accounting framework from April 1,  Lombard General, TATA AIG General,
           investments in the "Housing and In-  2024 (FY25), sources told.     Niva Bupa Health, HDFC Life, and HDFC
           frastructure" category until the ma-  This is the first such partial roll-out of  Ergo General, among others.
           turity of the respective bonds.  accounting standards for the insurance
           In addition, the IRDAI has provided  industry in many decades, and the  IRDAI okays appointment
           an exemption allowing insurers not  move is aimed at bringing Indian ac-  of Amit Jhingran as SBI Life
           to comply with the single investee  counting practices closer to global stan-
           equity exposure norms for individual  dards. This is expected to help stake- chief
           segregated funds at the Scheme   holders understand insurers' risk expo-  IRDAI approved the appointment of
           Identification Number (SIN) level  sure, profitability, and financial position  Amit Jhingran as the new Managing
           pertaining to HDFC Bank Ltd shares  accurately.                     Director and Chief Executive Officer for
           post-merger. This exemption will be  Designed in coordination with IFRS-17,  SBI Life Insurance Company Limited.
           in effect until June 30, 2024. How-
                                            the revised standard under IND-AS 117  Amit Jhingran has over three decades
           ever, the exemption will only apply
                                            will mandate insurers to explicitly de-  of experience in the insurance sector
           to the holdings of the respective in-
                                            clare unbiased estimates of future cash  and serves as the Assistant General
           surers as of June 30, 2023. Shares sold  flows, discount rates reflecting the con-  Manager of the Hyderabad Circle.
           after this date will be reduced to the
                                            tracts' cash flows, and adjustments for  He joined the company in 1991 as a pro-
           extent of the sale of shares thereaf-
                                            non-financial risk. Further, revenue will  bationary officer and has been with SBI
           ter, the regulator added.
                                            no longer be equal to written premi-  Life since then. Amit Jhingran had also
           This ruling follows the recent merger  ums but to the change in contract li-  held the post of CEO of SBI, Chicago.
           between HDFC Ltd and HDFC Bank   ability.
           Ltd, after which insurance companies
                                            The insurance regulator has identified
           sought permission from IRDAI to con-                                IRDAI moves towards risk-
                                            15 companies that have foreign equity
           tinue to classify their investments in  partners and/or strategic collabora- based capital regime
           HDFC Ltd bonds under the "Housing
                                            tions for the purpose. The reason here  IRDAI has taken the first step towards
           and Infrastructure" sector.
                                            is that these entities may have esti-  introduction of risk based capital frame-

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