Page 30 - Insurance Times September 2023
P. 30

Block chain and

         it's use cases in

         Life Insurance

         Industry                                                                               Neeraj Kaushik

          Blockchain offers numerous benefits, it also has limitations such as scalability concerns, energy
          consumption in certain consensus mechanisms, and regulatory challenges. Therefore, careful
          consideration of the specific use case and implementation is necessary to harness the full potential
          of blockchain technology.

         Introduction                                            in blockchain networks to guarantee that members
                                                                 agree on the authenticity of transactions and the
         Blockchain is a digital ledger that permits multiple individuals
         to create, maintain and verify a shared database without  sequence in which they are added to the blockchain.
                                                                 Common consensus techniques include, among others,
         dependency on a centralized authority or administrator or
         intermediary. It is a cluster of blocks, where each block  Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Practical
                                                                 Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT).
         contains a list of financial transactions or data records.
                                                              4. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing
         Characteristics of Blockchain                           agreements with predefined rules and conditions
                                                                 encoded on the blockchain. They automatically execute
         1. Decentralization: Instead of a central authority or in-
                                                                 and enforce the terms of the contract when specified
             termediary, blockchain relies on a network of comput-
                                                                 conditions are met. Smart contracts enable automation,
             ers (nodes) to validate
                                                                 reduce the need for intermediaries, and facilitate trust
             and store data. This                                and transparency in various business processes.
             decentralized design
             encourages openness,                             5. Immutable and Auditable: Once a transaction is added
             eliminates the need                                 to a block followed by it's addition to the blockchain, it
             for a single point of                               is extremely difficult to edit or delete that transaction.
             control, and boosts                                 This immutability ensures the integrity of the data and
             system adaptability.                                enables auditing and traceability of transactions over a
                                                                 period of time.
         2. Transparency and Security: Transactions recorded on
             a blockchain are transparent and visible to all  Blockchain technology initially gained popularity as the
             participants in the network. Once a transaction is added  underlying technology behind crypto currencies such as Bitcoin.
             to a block, it is difficult to alter or delete, ensuring the  However, its applications extend beyond digital currencies.
             integrity and immutability of the data. Cryptographic  Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize various industries
             techniques, such as hashing and digital signatures,  by providing secure, transparent, and efficient solutions for data
             provide security and authentication for the data.  management, supply chain tracking, voting systems, financial
         3. Consensus Mechanism: Consensus methods are used   services, insurance, healthcare, and more.

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