Page 1 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
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                                                                         B U L L E T I N

        Registered Under Societies Registration Act- 1961 Vide Registration No.S/73835 (WB)  VOL. VI No. 01 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023

             Global Body Dedicated to Educa on, Research and Development on Risk Management

          12 top enterprise risk management
          trends in 2023

          Supply Chain Risk Management: When
          the greatest risk is outside the areas of
          traditional focus

          Fire Services in India and its Present

          Climate Risk and Sustainable Finance

          What global trends in road safety
          show, and why some Indians won't
          buckle up

          The evolution of the seat belt, and why
          it is literally a matter of life and death

          Governance: An inward-looking
          culture misses risks and opportunities
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