Page 5 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
P. 5


             12 TOP

             ENTERPRISE RISK


             TRENDS IN 2023

             E        nterprise risk management has taken center  are reshaping the risk landscape and influencing busi-

                      stage as organizations grapple with the lin-
                                                              ness continuity planning.
                      gering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,

             of change. the threat of a recession and the rapid pace  1. Risk maturity frameworks consoli-
                                                              date workflows

             Executives recognize that stronger ERM programs are  More enterprises are considering a risk maturity frame-
             required to remain competitive in this new era. One  work as a way  to manage the growing
             aspect of the current risk landscape that companies  interconnectedness of vulnerabilities in the risk land-
             must contend with is the connectivity of risks.  scape, Valente observed. This method mirrors other
                                                              frameworks like the capability maturity model widely
             Businesses are increasingly more interconnected to  used in software development. Risk management ma-
             partners, vendors and suppliers across global markets,  turity requires addressing processes and technologies.
             explained Alla Valente, senior analyst at Forrester Re-
             search.                                          On the process side, risk management leaders must
                                                              put together a team of risk stakeholders. This team
             "We find that when there is significantly more risk in  should combine the technical and business expertise
             one of those categories it can have a ripple effect that  necessary to make fast and intelligent risk-based deci-
             impacts other categories," Valente said. The impact, for  sions, establish policies and procedures, and imple-
             example, of a local natural disaster, the ongoing war  ment the proper controls. Risk managers also need to
             in the Ukraine or high interest rates can cascade across  ensure established  processes  for  consolidating
             an entire global supply chain.                   workflows across disparate agencies.

             Here are 12 security and risk management trends that  The technology side includes the IT infrastructure for

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