Page 6 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
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centralizing and contextualizing information about risk "Companies with a transformational approach to risk,"
management and automating risk policy enforcement. Valente explained, "can mobilize their teams and busi-
ness leaders quickly to jump on a new gap in the mar-
2. ERM technology stacks expand into ket." When, for example, Ikea's store traffic plum-
meted during the initial pandemic lockdown, the re-
GRC tail furniture company quickly implemented a new
Enterprise risk management has expanded beyond contactless pickup system that allowed customers to
simple financial governance, reaching into security, IT, securely pick up their purchases, according to Valente.
third-party relationships and governance risk and com-
pliance (GRC). A comprehensive GRC platform can be 4. Wider use of risk appetite state-
a critical integration tier for all types of risk manage-
ment activities to create and manage policies, conduct ments
risk assessments, understand risk posture, identify Risk appetite statements emerged in the financial in-
gaps in regulatory compliance, manage and respond dustry to improve communication with employees,
to incidents and automate the internal audit process. investors and regulators. Some risk is required to ex-
pand a pool of loans, but if too many customers de-
CIOs need to confirm that their risk technology stack fault, a bank needs a program in place to trigger deci-
is adequate for each task and used thoughtfully, sive action. So, for example, banks might establish a
proactively and not just reactively, Valente suggested. safety baseline for mortgage defaults or fraudulent
Consider integrating the following into a more compre- transactions that still allows them to turn a profit.
hensive risk technology stack:
Y intelligence analytics for geopolitical risks, natural Risk appetite statements are starting to gain popular-
disasters and other incidents; ity in other industries to replace rudimentary "check
Y third-party risk assessment tools to track sanc- the box" exercises with a process that more definitely
guides day-to-day risk management decisions, ob-
tions, security incidents and financial health;
served Chris Matlock, vice president, advisory -- cor-
Y security systems to assess the potential impact of porate strategy and risk practice at Gartner. This risk
vulnerabilities, breaches and cyber attacks; and
management trend comes with a caveat: "It is difficult
Y social media monitoring capabilities to track sud- to do," Matlock warned, adding that "the payoff for
den changes in brand reputation. organizations that do it is extremely high."
3. ERM seen as a competitive advan- He explained that companies face numerous chal-
tage lenges in implementing an effective risk appetite state-
ment. Some executives believe it could limit their abil-
Many companies view risk management as a way to ity to pursue new opportunities, while others are con-
increase their competitive advantage instead of sim- cerned that a poorly worded statement might be mis-
ply avoiding bad situations -- especially since the on- interpreted as condoning unacceptable practices.
slaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Panels of subject matter experts
"Although many companies suffered economic losses
during the pandemic," Valente noted, "we also saw expedite risk assessment and re-
many companies pivoting to new opportunities that
did not exist before." sponse
Bringing all the risk information together is important,
Valente's research team has been exploring the differ- but experts are also required to make sense of it. En-
ences between traditional chief risk officers (CROs) terprises are increasingly using the GRC platform to
who are laser-focused on minimizing risk and so called create an informed network of subject matter experts
transformational CROs who see risk management as a for critical projects, Matlock said. When issues emerge
competitive advantage -- examining how risks can in- that span multiple departments, such as a security
terfere with business strategy and limit revenue incident involving IT, legal and HR, an appropriate
streams. panel of experts in those areas can quickly and auto-