Page 9 - Risk Management Bulletin January-February 2023
P. 9


             SUPPLY CHAIN RISK

             MANAGEMENT: WHEN

             THE GREATEST RISK

             IS OUTSIDE THE

             AREAS OF


             Traditional thinking, on supply chain risk management,  of traditional supply chain risk management are the
             like this article by Deloitte consulting, focus on pro-  largest risk to the corporation. This includes the man-
             curement and sourcing strategies. A focus on tradi-  agement of demand-side (commercial operations)
             tional risk management misses the mark in these un-  strategies, the alignment/design of flows for product
             precedented times of demand and supply variability.  portfolios, talent turnover with aging technology infra-
                                                              structure and the impacts of shifts in climate. To miti-
             Let’s start the discussion with a definition. The  gate risk, look holistically at how to reduce variability
             Wikipedia definition of supply chain risk management  and improve continuity. Look past the current focus of
             is "the implementation of strategies to manage both  traditional supply chain risk management with a focus
             everyday and exceptional risks along the supply chain  only at procurement and supplier management prac-
             based on continuous risk assessment with the objec-  tices.
             tive of reducing vulnerability and ensuring continuity".
             However, as we move into 2023, and face the risks  Risk Headwinds
             ahead, more holistic thinking is required. Here we ask,
                                                              Here we share risk factors to consider in the evolution
             “Why only focus on supply? Why are other areas not
                                                              and evaluation of 2023 strategies.
             being evaluated?” Here we share perspective on other
             risks facing business leaders, and not in focus for the
                                         majority of compa-   Demand-side Risk Factors:
                About the author         nies, at the start of  1. Unabated Complexity: Over the last decade,
                                         2023.                companies perpetuated a myth that product person-
               Lora Cecere                                    alization and item proliferation were a necessary part
               Founder                   Accepted practices   of doing business. Complexity is like cholesterol: good
               Supply Chain Insights.    outside of the focus  complexity adds profit and growth while building mar-

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